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Complete Vocabulary List for: Correspondence and Understanding
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Find the Synonym: 'Correspondence and Understanding' Vocabulary Quiz
Correspondence and Understanding
argot, calligraphy, catechize, compel, confer, contradict, demonstrative, denote, depict, dialect, elicit, elucidate, emblem, encounter, enunciate, envoy, etymology, euphemism, exempli-gratia, expound, facade, foreshadow, fuming, garble, grandiose, hubbub, hypocrite, idiom, implicit, implore, impression, inflection, jape, jargon, jibe, lobby, manifesto, messenger, metaphor, panegyric, parlance, plead, polemic, proclaim, proselytize, quip, ramble, refer, reiterate, remonstrate, retort, retroaction, revile, rumor, sarcasm, satire, saying, serenade, signifying, snide, sonnet, spew, stilted, subtext, testify, tête-à-tête, tirade, vituperative, vociferous