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How to pronounce abscess (audio)

Dictionary definition of abscess

A localized collection of pus within the body, usually caused by a bacterial infection.
"The doctor had to perform surgery to drain the abscess in his abdomen."

Detailed meaning of abscess

It is characterized by a swollen, painful, and inflamed area filled with a mixture of dead tissue, white blood cells, and bacteria. Abscesses can occur in various parts of the body, such as the skin, organs, or even in tooth roots. They typically form as a defensive response by the immune system to contain and combat an infection. Abscesses can be accompanied by symptoms like redness, warmth, tenderness, and the presence of a visible or palpable lump. Treatment for an abscess often involves draining the accumulated pus, alleviating the pressure and allowing the body to heal. If left untreated, abscesses can lead to complications and may require medical intervention such as antibiotics or surgical removal.

Example sentences of abscess

1. She had to undergo surgery to drain the painful abscess.
2. An untreated tooth infection can lead to a dental abscess.
3. His abscess required antibiotics and wound care.
4. The doctor recommended immediate treatment for the skin abscess.
5. Dental hygiene can prevent gum abscesses.
6. The abscess on her foot was causing severe pain.

History and etymology of abscess

The noun 'abscess' has an etymology rooted in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'abscessus,' which comes from the verb 'abscedere.' In Latin, 'ab' means 'away from,' and 'cedere' means 'to go' or 'to yield.' Originally, 'abscedere' was used to describe the act of going away or withdrawing. Over time, it evolved to denote the formation of a localized collection of pus within the body. This transformation likely reflects the idea of something moving away or being expelled from the body due to infection or inflammation. In modern usage, 'abscess' describes a painful condition in which pus accumulates in a cavity within the body, often as a result of a bacterial infection. The etymology of 'abscess' underscores its historical connection to the notion of something being expelled or collected away from the normal tissue, highlighting the inflammatory response associated with this medical condition.

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Further usage examples of abscess

1. Cellulitis can sometimes result in an abscess.
2. An abscess in the armpit can be quite uncomfortable.
3. Pus drainage is common in a mature abscess.
4. He developed an abscess at the site of the injury.
5. A periapical abscess can be excruciatingly painful.
6. The surgeon drained the abdominal abscess.
7. An abscess in the throat can make swallowing difficult.
8. Infected piercings can lead to localized abscesses.
9. The dentist had to lance the gum abscess.
10. Chronic sinusitis can lead to facial abscesses.
11. Antibiotics are often prescribed for an abscess.
12. The abscess had to be surgically removed.
13. Dental abscesses can cause severe toothache.
14. Skin abscesses can develop after an ingrown hair.
15. The dentist diagnosed him with a tooth abscess that required immediate treatment.
16. She experienced intense pain and swelling due to a skin abscess.
17. The nurse applied a warm compress to help alleviate the discomfort caused by the abscess.
18. The veterinarian treated the abscess on the dog's paw with antibiotics.
19. The abscess on his leg was so severe that he had to be hospitalized.
20. The abscess caused him to miss several days of work due to the pain and inability to move.
21. The abscess developed as a result of a deep tissue infection.
22. She had to undergo multiple procedures to fully remove the abscess from her breast.
23. The abscess on his gum made it difficult for him to eat or speak properly.
24. The surgeon successfully drained the abscess and cleaned the wound to prevent further infection.
25. He was prescribed antibiotics to help fight the abscess and speed up the healing process.



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