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How to pronounce aspersions (audio)

Dictionary definition of aspersions

Negative remarks, criticisms, or accusations that are made against someone or something.
"The social worker was accused of casting aspersions on the family's living conditions."

Detailed meaning of aspersions

Aspersions can take many forms, from subtle insinuations to direct and explicit attacks. They can be based on rumors, hearsay, or personal biases, and can be spread through various channels, including gossip, social media, or news outlets. The act of casting aspersions can be damaging, as it can undermine a person's or organization's reputation and credibility, and may even lead to legal action in some cases. Those who are the subject of aspersions may choose to defend themselves, refute the accusations, or take legal action against those responsible. Overall, the term "aspersions" suggests a sense of negativity, suspicion, and harm, and is often used in the context of defamation or character assassination.

Example sentences containing aspersions

1. She resented the aspersions cast on her character by jealous colleagues.
2. His aspersions about the project's success were unwarranted.
3. The politician faced constant aspersions from opponents during the campaign.
4. I won't tolerate baseless aspersions on my integrity.
5. The gossip column was filled with malicious aspersions about celebrities.
6. He responded to the aspersions with a dignified silence.

History and etymology of aspersions

The noun 'aspersions' has a Latin origin. It is derived from the Latin word 'aspersio,' which means 'a sprinkling' or 'a scattering.' In the context of language, 'aspersio' referred to the act of casting doubt or making disparaging remarks, much like sprinkling negative comments upon someone's reputation. Over time, this Latin term was incorporated into English as 'aspersion,' and it came to signify negative remarks, criticisms, or accusations that are cast upon someone or something, often with the intention of damaging their reputation. The etymology of 'aspersions' underscores the figurative use of language to suggest the spreading of damaging remarks like a scattering of particles, highlighting the potentially harmful nature of such comments.

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Further usage examples of aspersions

1. The aspersions on her competence only motivated her to work harder.
2. Their aspersions regarding his loyalty were completely unfounded.
3. The aspersions in the media tarnished the company's reputation.
4. She couldn't ignore the hurtful aspersions made about her family.
5. The aspersions in the anonymous letter caused a stir in the office.
6. He chose to rise above the petty aspersions and focus on his goals.
7. Aspersions from the rival team fueled their determination to win.
8. She confronted the person spreading false aspersions about her.
9. The aspersions cast on his honesty had a lasting impact.
10. The committee's report contained damaging aspersions about the CEO.
11. He defended himself vigorously against the aspersions on his competence.
12. The aspersions in the news article triggered a public outcry.
13. The aspersions on his leadership led to a vote of no confidence.
14. They were quick to dismiss the aspersions as baseless rumors.
15. The politician cast aspersions on their opponent's character during the debate.
16. The social media post contained aspersions against the celebrity's personal life.
17. The journalist's article was filled with aspersions against the company's ethics.
18. The employee's accusations cast aspersions on the company's HR practices.
19. The teacher's comments were seen as aspersions against the student's abilities.
20. The criminal's defense lawyer cast aspersions on the credibility of the witness.
21. The gossip column in the newspaper was filled with aspersions against celebrities.
22. The competitor's claims cast aspersions on the legitimacy of the race.
23. The customer's negative review contained aspersions against the restaurant's hygiene.
24. The investor's doubts cast aspersions on the company's future prospects.
25. The artist's controversial work received aspersions from some members of the public.

ACT 4 (American College Testing), High School 19, Blame and Accusation


slurs, praises, compliments, accolades



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