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Dictionary definition of broach

To bring up or introduce a topic, idea, or subject for discussion or consideration, often in a sensitive or delicate manner.
"He decided to broach the subject of a salary increase with his boss."

Detailed meaning of broach

When someone broaches a subject, they initiate a conversation about it, typically with the intention of exploring, addressing, or sharing information related to that particular topic. Broaching can be especially important when discussing sensitive or potentially controversial matters, as it allows for a gradual or thoughtful approach to avoid offense or discomfort. In addition to its conversational sense, "broach" can also refer to the act of making a hole or opening in something, such as a container or cask, for the purpose of accessing its contents.

Example sentences of broach

1. She decided to broach the sensitive topic during the family meeting.
2. It's important to broach the issue of workplace diversity with sensitivity.
3. He hesitated to broach the subject, fearing it might lead to conflict.
4. The manager finally decided to broach the idea of a flexible work schedule.
5. She carefully broached the idea of relocating to a quieter neighborhood.
6. It's time to broach the conversation about retirement planning.

History and etymology of broach

The verb 'broach' has its origins in Old French, specifically from the word 'brochier,' which means 'to pierce' or 'to make a hole.' This Old French term was derived from the Vulgar Latin word 'brocare,' a verb related to 'brochus,' meaning 'pointed' or 'projecting.' The evolution of the term 'broach' is closely tied to the idea of piercing or opening something, and it later came to be associated with the act of introducing or bringing up a topic for discussion. In this sense, 'broach' implies delicately piercing the surface of a conversation or a subject, as if opening it up for examination. This etymology underscores the notion of approaching a sensitive or potentially difficult topic with care, much like making a precise opening or entry into a subject of conversation.

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Further usage examples of broach

1. They needed to broach the topic of budget cuts with the staff.
2. The teacher found a creative way to broach the difficult subject of bullying.
3. He struggled to broach the topic of a salary increase with his boss.
4. The therapist encouraged them to broach their communication issues.
5. She decided to broach the topic of mental health in her community.
6. The team leader will broach the subject of project delays in the meeting.
7. We should broach the idea of starting a recycling program at work.
8. Let's broach the question of whether to expand our product line.
9. She decided to broach the matter of a raise with her supervisor.
10. We need to broach the topic of succession planning for the company.
11. It's time to broach the issue of household chores with the family.
12. He carefully broached the subject of a romantic relationship.
13. The coach will broach the subject of improving team performance.
14. She hesitated to broach the topic of her career change with her parents.
15. The counselor will help you broach the subject of your feelings.
16. They finally decided to broach the idea of a vacation together.
17. It's essential to broach the subject of mental health in the workplace.
18. The principal will broach the matter of student conduct during the assembly.
19. Let's broach the discussion about our future living arrangements.
20. He plans to broach the issue of reducing our carbon footprint.
21. They need to broach the topic of financial planning for retirement.
22. She carefully broached the idea of downsizing their home.
23. The minister will broach the subject of community involvement.
24. It's time to broach the conversation about eco-friendly practices at school.



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