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How to pronounce denounce (audio)

Dictionary definition of denounce

To publicly and formally condemn or criticize something, typically to express strong disapproval or moral outrage.
"The community plans to denounce the construction of a factory near their neighborhood."

Detailed meaning of denounce

When someone denounces a person, action, practice, or ideology, they are making a clear and often official statement, often with the intention of exposing wrongdoing, injustice, or unethical behavior. This can involve pointing out and censuring violations of laws, ethical standards, or established norms, in order to bring attention to the issue and mobilize public opinion against it. Denouncing serves as a means to call for accountability, change, or reform by shedding light on activities or beliefs that are considered harmful, unethical, or objectionable in some way.

Example sentences of denounce

1. Human rights organizations will denounce the government's actions if they violate international law.
2. If the company continues to pollute the river, environmentalists will denounce them.
3. The union might denounce the new labor contract if it doesn't meet their demands.
4. The senator said he would denounce any legislation that infringes on civil liberties.
5. The religious leader is expected to denounce the rise in violence in his sermon.
6. The international community must denounce acts of terrorism unequivocally.

History and etymology of denounce

The verb 'denounce' has its roots in Latin, stemming from the word 'denuntiare,' which means 'to announce' or 'to declare officially.' In Latin, 'de-' was a prefix often used to intensify an action, and 'nuntiare' meant 'to announce.' Therefore, 'denounce' etymologically conveys the idea of making an official and strong announcement, especially in the sense of condemning or criticizing something. Over time, as the word evolved in English, 'denounce' came to signify the act of publicly and formally condemning or criticizing something, often to express strong disapproval or moral outrage. The historical link between 'denounce' and official declarations underscores the seriousness and authority associated with expressing disapproval or condemnation in a public and formal manner.

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Further usage examples of denounce

1. The council will denounce the misuse of funds if evidence of corruption is found.
2. If the policy does not change, several advocacy groups have stated they will denounce it.
3. The artist used his work to denounce social inequalities in his country.
4. Citizens have the right to peacefully denounce government actions they believe are unjust.
5. The celebrity plans to denounce the tabloid for spreading false information about her.
6. The committee may denounce the company's practices if they are found to be unethical.
7. The school principal will denounce bullying in a letter to parents and students.
8. The victims’ families will denounce the court’s decision if it is not fair.
9. The shareholders will denounce the CEO's decision if it negatively affects stock prices.
10. The newspaper will denounce the lack of transparency in the city’s recent dealings.
11. The teacher plans to denounce plagiarism and emphasize the importance of original work.
12. The health organization is going to denounce the promotion of unhealthy food to children.
13. If the movie portrays history inaccurately, historians will likely denounce it.
14. The religious leader denounced the use of violence in the name of their faith.


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