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Dictionary definition of diametric
In complete opposition or contrast to something or someone else.
"The siblings' personalities were diametric, with one being introverted and the other being extroverted."
Detailed meaning of diametric
When we say that two things are diametric, we mean that they are at the furthest possible points from each other in terms of characteristics, opinions, or positions. The term draws its meaning from the concept of a diameter, which is a straight line that connects two points on a circle, passing through its center. In a similar vein, diametric emphasizes a sharp and fundamental distinction or opposition between two entities. It denotes a clear-cut and unequivocal difference that leaves no room for similarity or compromise. By highlighting the extreme and opposing nature of the comparison, the adjective "diametric" underscores the stark and irreconcilable contrast between the two subjects being discussed.
Example sentences containing diametric
1. Their viewpoints on the issue were diametric, leading to heated debates.
2. The two political parties had diametric positions on economic policies.
3. The CEO's decision was diametric to the expectations of the board members.
4. The scientific findings presented in the study were diametric to the previous research in the field.
5. The students had diametric approaches to problem-solving, resulting in contrasting solutions.
6. The companies' marketing strategies were diametric, with one focusing on traditional methods and the other on digital platforms.
History and etymology of diametric
The adjective 'diametric' is closely related to the concept of 'diameter' and originates from the same root, which is the ancient Greek word 'diametros.' As previously explained, 'diametros' referred to a straight line passing through the center of a circle, effectively dividing it into two equal halves. In the context of 'diametric,' the 'diam-' prefix retains its sense of extending across or through, while the '-etric' suffix conveys a quality or state. When used to describe something as 'diametric,' it signifies that it is in complete opposition or contrast to something else, as if representing the two opposing points at either end of a diameter. Thus, the etymology of 'diametric' underscores its historical association with the idea of complete opposition or contrast, reflecting the geometric concept of opposing points along a diameter line.
Further usage examples of diametric
1. The couple's tastes in music were diametric, often leading to disagreements over playlists.
2. The two countries' foreign policies were diametric, causing tensions in diplomatic relations.
3. The professor's teaching style was diametric to that of his colleagues, emphasizing practical application over theory.
4. The architectural designs proposed by the firms were diametric, reflecting different aesthetics and concepts.
5. The athletes had diametric training regimens, one favoring strength training while the other focused on endurance.
6. Their viewpoints on the issue were diametrically opposed.
7. The political candidates held diametric positions on taxes.
8. Her approach to problem-solving was diametric to his.
9. Diametric differences in personality often lead to conflicts.
10. The two cultures had diametrically different customs.
11. Their reactions to the news were diametrically opposite.
12. The siblings had diametrically opposed tastes in music.
13. The scientific theories were diametric in their predictions.
14. Diametric choices in lifestyle can impact health outcomes.
15. Their views on education were diametrically distinct.
16. The companies had diametric strategies for market expansion.
17. Diametric preferences in design led to a compromise.
18. Their beliefs about the afterlife were diametrically opposed.
19. Diametric approaches to leadership yielded varying results.
20. In the debate, they presented diametric viewpoints.
21. The diplomatic talks revealed diametric interests.
22. Diametric interpretations of the law created confusion.
23. Their management styles were diametric in nature.
24. Diametric cultural norms can lead to misunderstandings.
25. Diametric goals in the project caused friction among team members.,,,
TOEFL 12, Uniformity and Consistency, Division and Separation, Opposites and Differences
Synonyms for diametric
Quiz categories containing diametric
opposite, similar, alike, identical