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Dictionary definition of disrupt

To interrupt, disturb, or cause disorder or upheaval in a process, system, or situation.
"The sudden power outage is likely to disrupt the company’s operations for the day."

Detailed meaning of disrupt

When something is disrupted, it experiences a significant break in its normal flow or functioning, often leading to a state of chaos or confusion. Disruption can occur in various contexts, such as disrupting a meeting by causing a commotion, disrupting an industry by introducing groundbreaking innovations, or disrupting an ecosystem by introducing invasive species. The purpose of disruption can vary; it may be intentional to challenge existing norms and create change, or it may be unintentional but still have unintended consequences. Regardless, the act of disrupting often involves breaking patterns, routines, or established structures, resulting in a significant deviation from the expected or desired state.

Example sentences of disrupt

1. The protest aims to disrupt traffic in the city center as a form of civil disobedience.
2. Thunderous applause from the audience will disrupt the flow of the play.
3. Online streaming services continue to disrupt traditional television.
4. The new app has the potential to disrupt the e-commerce industry.
5. Don't disrupt the sleeping baby; she needs her rest.
6. The unexpected arrival of the celebrity disrupt the ordinary lunch at the small café.

History and etymology of disrupt

The verb 'disrupt' can be traced back to the Latin word 'disrumpere,' which is a combination of 'dis-' meaning 'apart' or 'in different directions' and 'rumpere' meaning 'to break' or 'to burst.' Etymologically, 'disrupt' conveys the idea of something being torn apart or broken into pieces, symbolizing the interruption, disturbance, or disorder it implies in its modern usage. As the word evolved through Middle English and into contemporary English, it retained this fundamental meaning of causing disorder or upheaval by breaking the normal flow or continuity of a process, system, or situation. The etymology of 'disrupt' highlights its historical connection to the concept of breaking or tearing apart, making it a fitting term to describe actions that interrupt or disturb the order and regularity of various contexts.

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Further usage examples of disrupt

1. The coach called for a timeout to disrupt the momentum of the opposing team.
2. The construction work next door can disrupt your concentration.
3. Emerging technologies are poised to disrupt the financial sector.
4. An avalanche could disrupt the team's mountain expedition.
5. Making sudden policy changes can disrupt the stability of an organization.
6. The unexpected power outage can disrupt our entire production process.
7. High levels of noise pollution can disrupt the natural habitat of wildlife.
8. A global pandemic can disrupt economies and healthcare systems worldwide.
9. It's crucial to address conflicts early to prevent them from disrupting the team's harmony.
10. The constant phone calls and emails can disrupt your workflow if not managed efficiently.
11. Rapid technological advancements can disrupt traditional industries and business models.
12. Social media addiction can disrupt personal relationships and mental well-being.
13. A disruptive student in the classroom requires a strategic approach to maintain order.
14. Disruptions in the supply chain can lead to delays in product delivery.
15. Protests and demonstrations can disrupt the peace and stability of a nation.
16. Severe weather events like hurricanes can disrupt entire communities.
17. Frequent changes in leadership can disrupt the continuity of an organization's vision.
18. Cyberattacks can disrupt critical infrastructure and compromise data security.
19. Political instability in a region can disrupt international trade and investments.
20. A sudden illness can disrupt one's daily routine and long-term plans.
21. Disruptive innovations often challenge the status quo and reshape industries.
22. Disruptions in the stock market can have far-reaching effects on investors.
23. Disruptive technologies like AI and automation are transforming various sectors.
24. Mental health issues can disrupt a person's ability to function in daily life.
25. Transportation strikes can disrupt the daily commute for countless commuters.


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