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Dictionary definition of flaccid

Limp, lacking firmness, or devoid of the expected tension or stiffness.
"His muscles had become flaccid after months of inactivity."

Detailed meaning of flaccid

When something is characterized as flaccid, it typically refers to a loss of strength, resilience, or vitality, resulting in a sagging, floppy, or drooping appearance. This term is often used in medical contexts to describe muscles or body tissues that have lost their tone or tension. However, it can also be applied more broadly to describe anything that lacks the expected firmness or structure, such as flaccid plant leaves, flaccid enthusiasm, or flaccid economic conditions. "Flaccid" underscores the idea of something being weak or lacking in vigor, often suggesting a state of deflation or diminished vitality.

Example sentences of flaccid

1. The balloon lost its air and became flaccid, slowly sinking to the ground.
2. The wrestler's opponent easily pinned him down due to his flaccid resistance.
3. The once proud and erect flower now hung flaccid after days without water.
4. The flaccid excuse offered by the employee for his tardiness didn't convince the boss.
5. The chef was disappointed when his soufflé turned out flaccid instead of rising.
6. The gym trainer worked with the client to transform their flaccid muscles into toned ones.

History and etymology of flaccid

The adjective 'flaccid' has its etymological roots in the Latin word 'flaccidus,' derived from 'flaccus,' meaning 'flabby' or 'drooping.' 'Flaccid' describes something that is limp, lacking firmness, or devoid of the expected tension or stiffness, much like a wilting plant or a deflated balloon. The term embodies the concept of a loss of vitality and strength, often emphasizing the sagging or drooping quality of the object or substance in question. 'Flaccid' is a word that characterizes things or conditions that have lost their usual vigor or resilience, highlighting the contrast between their current state and a more robust or taut one. It reflects the recognition of the ebb and flow of tension and firmness in various aspects of the natural and physical world.

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Further usage examples of flaccid

1. The speech lacked energy and passion, coming across as flaccid and uninspiring.
2. The patient's flaccid arm was a result of a recent nerve injury.
3. The market responded negatively to the company's flaccid financial report, causing stock prices to drop.
4. The artist's attempt at creating a dynamic sculpture ended up with a flaccid form.
5. The flaccid sails of the sailboat signaled the lack of wind on that calm day.
6. Despite his flaccid attempts at humor, the comedian couldn't elicit a single laugh from the audience.
7. The flaccid handshake left a poor first impression during the job interview.
8. The swimmer struggled to stay afloat as his flaccid legs couldn't provide enough propulsion.
9. The deflated soccer ball lay flaccid on the field after the game.
10. The author's attempt at suspense felt flaccid, failing to engage readers.
11. The plant's leaves drooped flaccidly due to dehydration.
12. The sales presentation felt flat and flaccid, failing to excite potential buyers.
13. The patient's muscles had become flaccid after months of immobility.
14. The balloon animals looked sad and flaccid after a few days, losing their original shape.



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limp, firm, taut, rigid


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