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Dictionary definition of heist

A planned and executed theft of a large amount of money or valuable items, usually involving the use of force or deception.
"The bank robbers pulled off a daring heist."


Detailed meaning of heist

It is a criminal act that is carefully planned and executed in order to steal a large sum of money or valuable items. The term is often used to describe bank robberies, jewel thefts, and art thefts.

Heists are usually carried out by a group of individuals, known as a "gang" or "crew", who work together to plan and execute the theft. They often involve the use of weapons, deception, and insider knowledge to gain access to the location where the money or valuable items are being kept.

Heists are often portrayed in popular culture, particularly in movies and television shows, and they are often depicted as exciting, high-stakes criminal enterprises. In reality, heists are illegal and can have serious consequences for those involved, including imprisonment.

In summary, a heist is a planned and executed theft of a large amount of money or valuable items, usually involving the use of force or deception, it's a criminal act that is carefully planned and executed by a group of individuals, it's often depicted in popular culture as exciting, high-stakes criminal enterprises but it's illegal and can have serious consequences.

Example sentences containing heist

1. The daring heist at the jewelry store left investigators baffled.
2. The heist unfolded like a Hollywood movie, with precision and audacity.
3. A group of skilled criminals orchestrated the bank heist.
4. The heist involved a complex plan to disable the security system.
5. The thieves made off with a fortune in the audacious art heist.
6. Heist movies often romanticize the criminal underworld.

History and etymology of heist

The noun 'heist' has an etymology that aligns with its association with elaborate thefts often involving force or deception. It is believed to have originated from the American slang term 'heist,' which emerged in the early 20th century. While the exact origin is not entirely clear, it is thought to be linked to the word 'hoist,' which means to lift or raise. This connection might reflect the notion of thieves 'lifting' valuable items or money unlawfully. 'Heist' has come to represent a planned and executed theft of a significant amount of money or valuable items, typically involving tactics like force, deception, or elaborate schemes. Its etymology echoes the notion of a bold and often audacious act of theft, where criminals aim to 'hoist' away their ill-gotten gains.

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Further usage examples of heist

1. The authorities launched a manhunt for the culprits of the casino heist.
2. The mastermind behind the heist had a reputation for meticulous planning.
3. The diamond heist involved cutting-edge technology to bypass security.
4. The jewelry heist remained unsolved for years, baffling detectives.
5. A daring heist took place during the city's biggest parade.
6. The heist crew used disguises to blend in with the museum crowd.
7. The heist was an inside job, with employees involved in the scheme.
8. The heist operation required months of preparation and reconnaissance.
9. The authorities recovered some of the stolen goods from the heist.
10. The infamous heist led to the apprehension of several criminals.
11. Heist stories often captivate the public's imagination.
12. The heist was meticulously planned to avoid detection.
13. The casino heist involved hacking the security system.
14. The gang of thieves executed the heist with military precision.
15. The detective was determined to solve the high-profile heist case.
16. The museum heist became a subject of international intrigue.
17. The heist crew used tunnels to access the bank's vault.
18. The heist crew left behind few clues, confounding investigators.
19. The jewelry heist was a meticulously choreographed dance of deception.



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