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Dictionary definition of imply

To indirectly suggest, hint at, or convey a meaning or message without explicitly stating it.
"The politician's speech seemed to imply a change in policy without explicitly stating it."

Detailed meaning of imply

When someone implies something, they are making an indirect reference or allusion to a particular idea, intention, or implication. It involves communicating something through subtext, context, or the use of subtle cues, allowing the listener or reader to infer the intended meaning. Implying often involves using implications, insinuations, or hints to convey information or influence understanding. It requires the recipient to interpret and make connections based on the speaker's words, tone, or gestures. The verb "imply" involves the intentional or unintentional communication of ideas or meaning in a way that requires inference or deduction by the recipient, rather than providing direct or explicit information.

Example sentences of imply

1. Your silence seems to imply disagreement with my proposal.
2. The evidence you provided might imply a different conclusion.
3. This message doesn't imply any clear instructions.
4. The strange behavior of the birds could imply a coming storm.
5. Your tone seems to imply something you're not saying.
6. Do those words imply a promise or just a possibility?

History and etymology of imply

The verb 'imply' is rooted in the Latin word 'implere,' which means 'to fill' or 'to complete.' In Latin, 'implere' was used to describe the act of filling something up or completing it. Over time, this term underwent a semantic shift and evolved to suggest the idea of indirectly filling in gaps or completing meaning through context or subtle cues. In English, 'imply' came to signify the act of indirectly suggesting, hinting at, or conveying a meaning or message without explicitly stating it. The etymology of 'imply' underscores its role in communication, where meaning is often conveyed not only through explicit statements but also through the subtleties of context, inference, and interpretation, making it an essential part of language and discourse.

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Further usage examples of imply

1. The guidelines imply a high standard of conduct is expected.
2. That gesture seemed to imply a shared secret between them.
3. The rising temperatures imply that summer is truly here.
4. His absence from the meeting might imply dissatisfaction with the project.
5. The lights being on could imply that someone's home.
6. Her smile seemed to imply that she was pleased with the results.
7. The increased police presence may imply an increase in local crime rates.
8. This statement doesn't imply the endorsement of the whole group.
9. Your comment might imply a lack of understanding about the subject.
10. The results of the research imply a strong correlation between the two variables.
11. Does this reaction imply an allergy to the medication?
12. His non-response might imply consent to our plan.
13. The picture she painted seemed to imply a hidden story.
14. The economist's report could imply a forthcoming recession.
15. His statement seems to imply that he has inside information.
16. The results of the study imply a correlation between the two variables.
17. The painting's vibrant colors imply a sense of joy and energy.
18. The text message seems to imply that the party has been canceled.
19. His actions imply a lack of trust in his colleagues.
20. The politician's comments strongly imply a change in policy.


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