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Dictionary definition of jealous

Characterized by fear, suspicion, or insecurity regarding the loss of someone's affection, attention, or possessions to a rival.
"The jealous ex-boyfriend couldn't stand the thought of his former girlfriend dating someone new."

Detailed meaning of jealous

It stems from a deep sense of possessiveness and a strong desire to protect what one considers their own. When someone is jealous, they experience intense emotions of resentment and envy towards others who they perceive as threats to their relationships or possessions. Jealousy often arises from a perceived sense of inadequacy or fear of abandonment. It can manifest as possessive behavior, suspicion, or constant comparison with others. Jealousy can have a negative impact on personal relationships, as it may lead to feelings of mistrust and can damage the trust and intimacy between individuals. It is crucial to address and communicate feelings of jealousy in a healthy and constructive manner to maintain strong and trusting relationships.

Example sentences containing jealous

1. She couldn't help but feel jealous when her partner spent time with their attractive coworker.
2. Jenny's jealous nature caused her to constantly check her boyfriend's phone for any signs of infidelity.
3. The jealous sibling resented the attention their brother received from their parents.
4. His jealous behavior pushed his friends away, as they couldn't handle his constant mistrust.
5. The jealous classmate spread rumors about the top student to tarnish their reputation.
6. Emily's jealous eyes followed her best friend's new romantic relationship with envy.

History and etymology of jealous

The etymology of the adjective 'jealous' can be traced back to the Middle English word 'jelous,' which was borrowed from the Old French term 'jaloux.' The Old French word itself had roots in the Latin 'zelosus,' derived from 'zelus,' meaning 'zeal' or 'emulation.' Originally, 'jealous' was used in a positive sense to describe a fervent or enthusiastic rivalry or competition, often related to matters of honor or devotion. Over time, the word took on a more negative connotation, evolving into its modern usage to describe a feeling of fear, suspicion, or insecurity regarding the potential loss of someone's affection, attention, or possessions to a rival. This shift in meaning reflects the transformation from a positive sense of emulation to the more negative sense of possessiveness and insecurity that we associate with jealousy today.

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Further usage examples of jealous

1. The jealous coworker couldn't hide their disdain when their colleague received praise from the boss.
2. As the jealous teammate watched their rival's success, they felt an overwhelming sense of envy.
3. Sarah's jealous heart couldn't bear the thought of her sister being praised for her beauty.
4. The jealous neighbor always found a way to sabotage the success of others in the community.
5. His jealous nature prevented him from forming meaningful relationships, as he was always suspicious of others' intentions.
6. Her jealous disposition, fueled by insecurity, often led to unnecessary conflicts in their relationship.
7. Whenever he noticed her talking to other men, his overwhelming jealousy would consume him, causing tension.
8. The corrosive power of jealousy can eat away at the foundation of trust in even the most loving partnerships.
9. His jealous tendencies, stemming from past heartbreak, manifested as possessiveness and control.
10. Despite her success, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealous longing when comparing herself to her accomplished friend.
11. Managing jealousy is crucial, as it can poison the well of any relationship, driving a wedge between partners.
12. His jealous behavior, marked by unfounded accusations and mistrust, strained their once-loving bond.
13. Jealousy, often a byproduct of insecurity and fear of abandonment, can wreak havoc on emotional well-being.
14. Feeling jealous about your coworker's promotion is normal, but channeling it positively can be more productive.
15. Her frequent jealous outbursts, fueled by past betrayals, created an atmosphere of tension and suspicion.
16. He confessed to feeling jealous of his brother's talents, which had always overshadowed his own achievements.
17. Recognizing that jealousy can be a toxic emotion that corrodes even the strongest friendships is the first step to overcoming it.
18. Her jealousy reared its head whenever he spent time with his ex, causing friction in their relationship.
19. Jealousy has the potential to poison the bonds of sisterhood, turning allies into rivals.
20. His constant jealous remarks, often baseless, chipped away at her self-esteem and confidence.
21. Jealousy can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive actions, causing more harm than good.
22. She grew weary of his incessant jealous accusations, feeling trapped in a web of distrust.
23. The corrosive nature of jealousy can be particularly damaging to the sanctity of a marriage.
24. Experiencing jealousy over your neighbor's new car is a common reaction, but it's essential to keep perspective.
25. His persistent jealous tendencies not only strained their relationship but also hindered personal growth and self-improvement.

TOEFL 6, High School 12, Emotions and Serendipity


envious, trusting, confident, secure



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