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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook

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How to pronounce kaput (audio)

Dictionary definition of kaput

Broken, malfunctioning, or no longer functional, usually beyond repair or in a state of complete failure.
"The company's plans for expansion were kaput after the economic downturn."

Detailed meaning of kaput

It suggests that the item or system in question is not working and cannot be easily fixed or restored to its normal functioning state. While "kaput" is not a formal or technical term, it is widely understood in casual conversation to convey the idea that something is inoperative or defunct. For example, if a car's engine stops working, someone might say that it's "kaput" to emphasize that it's no longer functioning. This term is commonly used to describe various objects and situations when they are no longer functional or have reached the end of their useful life.

Example sentences containing kaput

1. The old printer finally gave up and was declared kaput.
2. After the car accident, the vehicle was completely kaput.
3. The company went bankrupt and was declared kaput by its creditors.
4. The computer crashed and was now completely kaput.
5. His phone battery died and the device was now kaput.
6. The old refrigerator finally stopped working and was declared kaput.

History and etymology of kaput

The adjective 'kaput' has its origins in German. It is borrowed directly from the German word 'kaputt,' which means 'broken' or 'worn out.' 'Kaputt' itself is believed to have been influenced by the French word 'capot,' meaning 'bonnet' or 'hood,' which might have been used in the sense of a car hood that's been damaged or left open. Over time, 'kaput' was adopted into English to describe something that is broken, malfunctioning, or no longer functional, typically beyond repair or in a state of complete failure. The term 'kaput' is often used informally to signify that something is irreparably damaged or no longer working, and it reflects its historical connection to notions of disrepair and malfunction.

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Further usage examples of kaput

1. After the flood, the entire electrical system in the house was kaput.
2. The engine in the boat stopped working and was now kaput.
3. After years of use, the old washing machine finally gave out and was kaput.
4. The relationship between the two friends was kaput after the argument.
5. The plan to renovate the old building was kaput due to lack of funding.
6. The old car's engine finally gave out and was kaput beyond repair.
7. After years of service, the computer crashed, rendering it completely kaput.
8. The washing machine made a loud bang, and now it's kaput; we need a new one.
9. His phone took a dive into water, and now it's kaput, beyond saving.
10. The blender suddenly stopped working mid-use, and now it's kaput.
11. By the time they realized it, their relationship was already kaput.
12. The elaborate plan was kaput due to unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances.
13. The TV's screen went completely black, and now it's kaput.
14. The once-thriving company went bankrupt, and now it's kaput.
15. The printer jammed repeatedly, and now it's kaput, beyond fixing.
16. The engine overheated during the long trip, and now the car is kaput.
17. The old microwave stopped heating food, and now it's kaput.
18. The freezer broke down unexpectedly, leaving all our food kaput.
19. The bridge's structural integrity was compromised, and now it's kaput.
20. The toy robot's batteries finally died, rendering it kaput.
21. The DVD player won't recognize or play discs anymore; it's kaput.
22. The vintage clock stopped ticking altogether; it's kaput.
23. The oven caught fire while cooking; now it's kaput and unsafe to use.
24. The vacuum cleaner's motor suddenly burned out, making it kaput.
25. The antique radio ceased receiving signals and is now kaput, a relic of the past.

Adversities and Complications, Ravage and Ruin, Deterioration and Decline, Decline and Decay, Disappearance and Loss, Elimination and Suspension, Ending and Conclusion, Ineffectual and Obsolete



broken, functional, operational, working


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