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Dictionary definition of logophile

A person who has a deep love for words, language, and linguistic pursuits.
"The logophile was thrilled to discover a new obscure word."

Detailed meaning of logophile

Logophiles are passionate about the intricacies of language, including its vocabulary, etymology, grammar, and syntax. They often take pleasure in reading, writing, and exploring the richness of language through various forms of literature, poetry, crossword puzzles, or word games. Logophiles may be avid readers and writers who relish discovering new words, learning about word origins, and appreciating the nuances of language. Their fascination with words often leads them to expand their vocabulary and to express themselves eloquently and creatively. Logophiles are enthusiastic word enthusiasts who find joy in the beauty and diversity of language.

Example sentences of logophile

1. As a dedicated logophile, she collects words like treasures.
2. Logophiles derive immense pleasure from linguistic exploration.
3. The logophile's passion for words permeates every aspect of life.
4. Being a logophile, he relishes uncovering obscure vocabulary.
5. Logophiles are often drawn to careers in editing and writing.
6. The logophile's bookshelf overflows with dictionaries and lexicons.

History and etymology of logophile

The noun 'logophile' is a relatively recent term and is formed from two Greek roots. 'Logo-' comes from 'logos,' meaning 'word' or 'speech,' and '-phile' comes from 'philos,' meaning 'loving' or 'fond of.' Therefore, 'logophile' literally translates to 'word-loving' or 'word enthusiast.' The etymology of 'logophile' aptly captures its meaning—a person who has a deep love for words, language, and linguistic pursuits. This term celebrates the fascination and passion that some individuals have for the intricacies of language and the joy they find in exploring the nuances, meanings, and beauty of words.

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Further usage examples of logophile

1. Logophiles find solace and joy in the pages of books.
2. The logophile's conversation is a symphony of eloquent words.
3. Logophiles thrive on the intricacies of etymology and linguistics.
4. Words are the playground where logophiles frolic with delight.
5. The logophile's curiosity about language knows no bounds.
6. Logophiles revel in the rich tapestry of languages worldwide.
7. She wears her identity as a logophile like a badge of honor.
8. The logophile's pen dances gracefully across the pages.
9. Logophiles view words as vessels of expression and artistry.
10. The logophile's lexicon spans diverse cultures and epochs.
11. Logophiles cherish the poetic resonance of language.
12. Being a logophile is an ever-enriching journey of discovery.
13. The logophile's enthusiasm for linguistic puzzles is infectious.
14. Logophiles celebrate the beauty and versatility of words.
15. He was a logophile and loved nothing more than playing with words.
16. The logophile in her couldn't help but appreciate the clever wordplay in the novel.
17. He was always looking for new words to add to his logophile vocabulary.
18. She was a logophile who enjoyed reading the dictionary for fun.
19. The logophile's love for words was evident in the way she spoke.
20. He was a logophile and had a vast vocabulary.
21. The logophile always tried to use precise and descriptive words.
22. She was a logophile and always impressed her friends with her extensive knowledge of words.
23. The logophile was a master at crafting puns and wordplay.
24. He was a logophile and enjoyed word games like Scrabble and Boggle.
25. She was a logophile and had a passion for etymology, the study of words and their origins.



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