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order, request, suggestion, recommendation




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Dictionary definition of mandate

An official instruction or command issued by a governing authority, such as a government or a court, to carry out a specific action or policy.
"The president's mandate to increase funding for education was met with support."

Detailed meaning of mandate

It can also refer to the authority or power to carry out such an instruction. In a political context, a mandate is the authority given to a government or a political party to implement policies or laws, as a result of an election or a referendum. For example, a political party that wins an election may claim to have a mandate to implement certain policies based on their campaign promises. In a legal context, a mandate is an order issued by a court directing an individual or organization to take a specific action. A mandate can also refer to the authority given to an organization, such as the United Nations, to carry out a specific action, such as peacekeeping or humanitarian aid. In all cases, the word "mandate" implies an authoritative instruction or command that must be followed.

Example sentences of mandate

1. The company issued a mandate requiring all employees to wear masks.
2. The teacher's mandate to turn off all cellphones during class was widely ignored.
3. The new law passed by Congress includes a mandate for background checks on gun purchases.
4. The mayor's mandate to reduce crime in the city was met with mixed reactions.
5. The company's mandate for a mandatory meeting was met with resistance from some employees.
6. The governor issued a mandate for all businesses to close due to the pandemic.

History and etymology of mandate

The noun 'mandate' has its origins in the Latin word 'mandatum,' which is the past participle of 'mandare,' meaning 'to order' or 'to entrust.' This Latin root, 'mandatum,' served as the foundation for the development of the term 'mandate' in English. Over time, it evolved to refer to an official instruction or command issued by a governing authority, such as a government or a court, to carry out a specific action or policy. Thus, the etymology of 'mandate' highlights its historical connection to the concept of authoritative orders and directives, emphasizing the notion of trust and obligation inherent in such instructions.

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Further usage examples of mandate

1. The organization's mandate to promote sustainability was well received by the public.
2. The court's mandate for the defendant to pay restitution to the victim was a relief for the victim's family.
3. The company's mandate for diversity and inclusion training was applauded by civil rights groups.
4. The mandate for students to attend online classes due to the pandemic was a difficult adjustment for many.
5. The government issued a mandate to reduce carbon emissions by 20%.
6. The court's mandate was to ensure a fair trial for all defendants.
7. The board of directors has a clear mandate to improve profitability.
8. The president issued a mandate for stricter cybersecurity measures.
9. The school board's mandate is to enhance educational standards.
10. The United Nations established a mandate for peacekeeping in the region.
11. The company's mandate is to innovate and stay ahead of the competition.
12. The city council received a mandate to improve public transportation.
13. The CEO's mandate is to streamline operations and cut costs.
14. The new law carries a mandate for stricter workplace safety.
15. The voters' mandate was for transparency in government.
16. The court issued a mandate to freeze the defendant's assets.
17. The team's mandate is to win the championship this season.
18. The president's mandate includes addressing economic inequality.
19. The environmental agency has a mandate to protect natural resources.
20. The board of trustees has a mandate to oversee university policies.
21. The mandate for healthcare reform came from the highest authority.
22. The project manager received a mandate to complete the construction on time.
23. The city's mandate is to promote sustainable urban development.
24. The international organization has a mandate to aid refugees in crisis.


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