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Dictionary definition of panache

A bold and confident manner or style, often characterized by a sense of flair and creativity.
"The chef added a touch of panache to the classic dish."

Detailed meaning of panache

The term is used to describe a person who carries themselves with grace and self-assurance, and who is not afraid to take risks and make bold decisions. Panache can also be applied to a particular object or situation, such as a piece of clothing or a design, which is characterized by a unique and eye-catching style. Panache is often associated with flair, creativity, and originality, and it is considered a positive quality in many situations. Whether in fashion, performance, or other areas of life, panache is a quality that sets someone or something apart and makes it stand out. Overall, panache is a term used to describe a bold and confident approach to life that is characterized by creativity and flair.

Example sentences of panache

1. With unmatched panache, she danced across the stage, captivating the audience.
2. His outfit exuded a sense of panache, showcasing his unique style.
3. The chef prepared the dish with a perfect blend of flavors and panache.
4. The actor delivered his lines with such panache that the crowd erupted in applause.
5. Her artwork displayed a remarkable panache, blending colors and textures seamlessly.
6. The entrepreneur approached challenges with confidence and panache, leading her company to success.

History and etymology of panache

The noun 'panache' has its etymological roots in French. It is derived from the Old French word 'panache,' which originally meant 'plume' or 'feather,' specifically the plume of a bird, especially a peacock, known for its vibrant and eye-catching feathers. Over time, 'panache' took on a metaphorical sense in both French and English to describe a bold and confident manner or style characterized by a sense of flair, creativity, and individuality. This term implies a certain audacious and charismatic approach to life or endeavors, often involving a willingness to stand out and be noticed, much like the colorful plumes of a peacock. 'Panache' suggests a unique and spirited approach to challenges or self-expression that is both captivating and distinctive.

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Further usage examples of panache

1. The novelist's writing was marked by its literary panache and intricate storytelling.
2. The fashion show featured models strutting down the runway with panache and elegance.
3. He tackled the difficult task with panache, finding creative solutions along the way.
4. The musician played the piano with extraordinary panache, leaving the audience in awe.
5. The detective solved the case with intelligence and panache, outsmarting the criminals.
6. Her public speaking skills were unparalleled, delivering speeches with charisma and panache.
7. The designer's collection showcased a perfect balance of simplicity and panache.
8. The comedian's jokes were delivered with impeccable timing and a touch of panache.
9. The diplomat handled delicate negotiations with panache, fostering international cooperation.
10. The athlete completed the challenging routine with panache, earning a standing ovation.
11. The architect's building design was characterized by its innovative concepts and panache.
12. The party was a grand success, thanks to the host's attention to detail and panache.
13. The author's writing style was marked by its wit, humor, and literary panache.
14. The director brought the play to life with creative staging and theatrical panache.


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