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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce partition (audio)

Dictionary definition of partition

A physical divider or barrier that separates one space from another.
"The restaurant had a private dining area separated by a glass partition."

Detailed meaning of partition

It can be a wall, screen, or panel that creates distinct sections within a larger area. Partitions are often used to divide rooms, offices, or open floor plans into separate and more defined spaces. They can be made of various materials such as wood, glass, metal, or even fabric. Partitions serve multiple purposes, including providing privacy, creating individual workspaces, controlling noise levels, or organizing different functions within a shared environment. They can be fixed or movable, allowing for flexibility in adapting the layout as needed. The presence of a partition helps to establish boundaries and delineate areas, ensuring a sense of order and structure in a given space.

Example sentences containing partition

1. The office was divided into cubicles with partitions for each employee.
2. We used a folding partition to create a temporary room for the meeting.
3. The soundproof partition helped to reduce noise from the neighboring room.
4. She hung a beautiful painting on the partition to add some visual interest.
5. We installed a sliding partition to create a separate play area for the children.
6. The partition in the living room allowed for a dedicated workspace.

History and etymology of partition

The noun 'partition' draws its etymological roots from the Latin word 'partitio,' which in turn originates from 'partire,' meaning 'to divide' or 'to share.' In its early usage, 'partitio' referred to the act of dividing or apportioning something. As the word evolved and found its way into Middle English as 'particioun,' it came to signify a division or separation of space, often in the context of architectural or structural elements that create physical dividers or barriers between different areas. Thus, the etymology of 'partition' reflects its historical connection to the concept of dividing and separating spaces, making it an apt term for describing physical dividers or barriers that separate one space from another, whether in architecture or other contexts.

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Further usage examples of partition

1. The office building had floor-to-ceiling partitions for maximum privacy.
2. The partition in the classroom created smaller study groups for collaborative work.
3. He knocked accidentally into the partition, causing it to wobble slightly.
4. The store used modular partitions to quickly adapt the layout for different products.
5. The concert hall had movable partitions that allowed for flexible seating arrangements.
6. The partition in the room created two separate areas.
7. She placed a partition between her workspace and the living room.
8. The glass partition allowed natural light to flow between rooms.
9. We need to install a partition to divide the office space.
10. The curtain served as a makeshift partition in the studio.
11. The partition in the restaurant provided privacy for diners.
12. A soundproof partition was added to reduce noise.
13. The partition was removed to create an open floor plan.
14. The office cubicles were separated by low partitions.
15. The museum used a velvet rope as a subtle partition.
16. A decorative partition added elegance to the ballroom.
17. The sliding partition allowed flexibility in room layout.
18. They installed a wooden partition for added security.
19. The partition between the cubicles had a frosted finish.
20. The concert hall had a retractable partition for versatility.
21. The temporary partition created a cozy reading nook.
22. The hospital room had a privacy partition for patients.
23. The glass partition offered a view of the scenic landscape.
24. He hid behind the partition to surprise his friend.
25. The partition separated the kitchen from the dining area.

Obstacles and Hardships, Options and Determinations, Division and Separation, Architectural Features and Spaces


divider, union, merge, amalgamate



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