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Dictionary definition of pithy

Concise, direct, and to the point, but containing a wealth of meaning or insight.
"He won the argument with a brilliantly delivered pithy observation."

Detailed meaning of pithy

Pithy statements are characterized by their ability to convey a lot of information or meaning in a few words, without being verbose or overly elaborate. They can be used to express a deep truth or to make a powerful point in a succinct manner.

Pithy quotes and aphorisms are often memorable and can be used to convey a message effectively. They are often witty, clever, and make an impact.

Pithy is also used to describe writing or speech that is terse and direct, cutting through to the core of the matter without wasting words.

Pithy can also be used to describe a person who is straight to the point and doesn't beat around the bush, in a way that can be perceived as lacking tactfulness.

Example sentences containing pithy

1. He was known for his pithy wit and clever one-liners.
2. She was able to convey complex ideas in pithy statements.
3. The author's writing was characterized by pithy prose and crisp storytelling.
4. He was able to make a strong point with a pithy comment.
5. She was known for her pithy, no-nonsense attitude.
6. He was able to make a powerful statement with a pithy quote.

History and etymology of pithy

The adjective 'pithy' has its etymological origins in the Old English word 'pith,' which referred to the central, essential part of a plant stem or the marrow of animals. This word 'pith' is related to the Old High German term 'pid,' meaning 'spinal marrow.' The notion of the essential core or marrow is at the heart of the word's evolution. Over time, 'pithy' came to describe language that is concise, direct, and to the point, much like the core or essential part of a matter. It implies that although brief, the statement contains a wealth of meaning, insight, or significance, just as the pith of a plant or animal is vital to its overall structure and function. Thus, the term 'pithy' captures the idea of brevity coupled with depth and significance in expression.

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Further usage examples of pithy

1. She was able to convey the essence of the idea in a pithy sentence.
2. He was able to make a lasting impression with a pithy remark.
3. She was known for her pithy observations on human behavior.
4. His pithy advice, "Less talk, more action," motivated the team to achieve their goals with greater determination.
5. The professor's pithy explanation, delivered with clarity and precision, illuminated the intricacies of the complex concept.
6. The comedian's pithy jokes, marked by clever wordplay and succinct punchlines, left the audience in stitches throughout the show.
7. The politician's pithy speech, filled with concise yet impactful statements, resonated deeply with voters and garnered their support.
8. Her pithy comments, always cutting straight to the heart of the matter, were valued for their honesty and insight.
9. The CEO's pithy memo, succinctly outlining the company's new strategic direction, set clear expectations for the entire organization.
10. The pithy quote, though brief in words, carried a profound message that served as a source of inspiration for many.
11. The editor appreciated the writer's pithy storytelling style, where every word carried weight, making for a compelling narrative.
12. The tweet, pithy in its brevity, conveyed a powerful message that resonated with a wide audience on social media.
13. The book's pithy chapters, each packed with concise yet meaningful content, made it an easy and engaging read for all.
14. His pithy analysis of the situation, delivered succinctly but with great depth, impressed his peers and offered valuable insights.
15. The coach's pithy feedback, focused on specific areas of improvement, helped the team make rapid progress and achieve success.
16. The recipe's pithy instructions, providing clear steps and cooking times, ensured a delicious meal for even novice chefs.
17. The judge's pithy verdict, with no ambiguity, left no room for interpretation, and justice was swiftly served.
18. The artist's pithy brushstrokes, carefully placed and imbued with emotion, captured the essence of the scene with remarkable precision.
19. Her pithy resignation letter, concise yet impactful, surprised and left an indelible mark on the entire office.
20. The scientist's pithy discovery, groundbreaking in its implications, reshaped the entire field of research.
21. The teacher's pithy reminders, delivered at critical moments, kept students on track and motivated throughout the academic year.
22. The journalist's pithy headline, succinctly summarizing the article's main points, immediately grabbed readers' attention.
23. The mentor's pithy advice, drawn from years of experience, provided invaluable guidance to the aspiring entrepreneur.
24. The comedian's pithy one-liners, delivered with impeccable timing, brought waves of laughter and joy to the delighted crowd.
25. The philosopher's pithy aphorisms, deep in philosophical wisdom, served as profound reflections that provoked thought and contemplation.
26. The manager's pithy email, concisely summarizing the project's status and next steps, ensured effective communication within the team.
27. The musician's pithy lyrics, filled with emotion and meaning, conveyed complex sentiments in a few carefully chosen words.
28. The campaign's slogan, simple yet pithy, encapsulated the essence of the movement and rallied supporters with a clear message.
29. The reviewer's pithy critique, highlighting both strengths and weaknesses, provided a comprehensive assessment of the film.
30. The historian's pithy summary, distilling years of research into a few sentences, offered a concise overview of the entire historical era.
31. The doctor's pithy diagnosis, delivered with clarity and empathy, helped the patient understand their condition and treatment options.
32. The blogger's pithy posts, consistently delivering valuable content in a concise format, attracted a dedicated and engaged following.
33. The leader's pithy vision statement, eloquently expressing the organization's goals and values, inspired the team to work with dedication and purpose.



succinct, verbose, rambling, wordy


GRE 6 (Graduate Record Examination), Clarity and Candor, Expression and Communication

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