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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce pleb (audio)

Dictionary definition of pleb

Someone who is considered to be a commoner or an ordinary person, particularly in the context of social hierarchy or class distinctions.
"The aristocrats considered anyone who worked for a living to be a pleb."

Detailed meaning of pleb

The term originated from the Latin word 'plebeian', which referred to the common people in ancient Rome who were not part of the aristocracy or patrician class. In modern usage, the term 'pleb' is often used in a derogatory manner to suggest that someone is unsophisticated or lacking in social status, particularly in situations where there is a perceived divide between the wealthy or powerful and those who are not. While the term may be used jokingly or affectionately among friends, it can also be considered offensive or insensitive in certain contexts, particularly when used to belittle or denigrate others.

Example sentences containing pleb

1. The political elite often dismissed the concerns of the plebs.
2. The pleb's voice was overshadowed by the powerful in society.
3. Throughout history, there have been movements aimed at empowering the plebs.
4. The pleb's perspective offered a fresh and unique insight into the issues.
5. In ancient Rome, the plebs struggled for greater representation and rights.
6. The pleb's opinions were often belittled by those in authority.

History and etymology of pleb

The noun 'pleb' has its etymological origins in ancient Rome, specifically from the Latin word 'plebs,' which referred to the common people or the lower social classes in Roman society. In ancient Rome, there was a clear distinction between the privileged patrician class and the less privileged plebeians. 'Pleb' is used to describe someone who is considered to be a commoner or an ordinary person, particularly in the context of social hierarchy or class distinctions. It often carries connotations of being of lower social standing or lacking in privilege. While the term is rooted in historical class divisions, it is now sometimes used informally to refer to someone perceived as unsophisticated or lacking in refinement, although it may be considered pejorative in some contexts.

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Further usage examples of pleb

1. The pleb demanded equal treatment and opportunities in the workforce.
2. The playwright captured the struggles of the plebs in his moving script.
3. The pleb's protest drew attention to social inequalities.
4. The movement aimed to unite the plebs and challenge the status quo.
5. The pleb's call for justice resonated with many in the community.
6. The pleb's vote was crucial in shaping the outcome of the election.
7. The novel depicted the life of a pleb during a time of societal upheaval.
8. The pleb's courage to stand up against oppression was inspiring.
9. The organization worked to provide education and support for underprivileged plebs.
10. The pleb's story shed light on the challenges faced by the marginalized.
11. The pleb's contributions to the arts were often overlooked by the elite.
12. The documentary focused on the struggles and triumphs of the plebs.
13. The pleb's determination to overcome obstacles was unwavering.
14. The community rallied behind the pleb's campaign for equal rights.

TOEFL 1, Common and Ordinary, Alternative Lifestyles and Poverty


commoner, aristocrat, elite, noble



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