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Dictionary definition of powder

A fine substance composed of small particles, typically dry and loose in texture.
"The skier glided effortlessly through the fresh powder, leaving tracks in the snow."

Detailed meaning of powder

It can be created through various processes, such as grinding, crushing, or pulverizing solid materials into a fine, granular form. Powder can come in different forms, including minerals, chemicals, or even organic substances. It is commonly used in a wide range of applications, such as cosmetics, cooking, manufacturing, and recreational activities. In cosmetics, powder is often applied to the skin to absorb excess oil, provide a matte finish, or enhance the appearance of smoothness. In cooking, powdered ingredients are used for flavoring, thickening, or leavening purposes. In manufacturing, powder can be utilized in the production of various products, such as pharmaceuticals, detergents, or fireworks. The lightweight and easily dispersible nature of powder make it convenient for storage, transportation, and usage in various industries and everyday life.

Example sentences of powder

1. She applied a light dusting of powder to her face to set her makeup.
2. The hiker sprinkled baby powder in her boots to prevent chafing during the long trek.
3. The baker sifted the cocoa powder into the bowl, ensuring a smooth and lump-free batter.
4. He reached for the protein powder to mix with water after his intense workout.
5. The forensic team carefully analyzed the white powder found at the crime scene for any traces of illicit substances.
6. The magician threw the colored powder into the air, creating a vibrant cloud of particles.

History and etymology of powder

The noun 'powder' traces its etymological roots to the Latin word 'pulvis,' which means 'dust' or 'powder.' This Latin term is believed to have ancient Indo-European origins, reflecting the ancient human fascination with finely ground substances. Over time, 'pulvis' made its way into Old French as 'poudre,' still maintaining its essence of fine, dry particles. In Middle English, it became 'powder,' preserving its core meaning of a substance composed of small, loose particles. The etymology of 'powder' thus mirrors its physical nature, as a fine and dry substance, composed of tiny particles, and highlights its long history as a useful and versatile material in human culture, from cosmetics to explosives.

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Further usage examples of powder

1. The artist used powdered pigments to create vibrant hues and textures in her paintings.
2. The archaeologists discovered a container filled with ancient medicinal powders, offering insights into ancient healing practices.
3. She spilled some baby powder on the floor, leaving a fine white residue that needed to be cleaned.
4. The pastry chef dusted the freshly baked pastries with powdered sugar, adding a touch of sweetness and elegance.
5. The athlete had a pouch of energy powder that she mixed with water for a quick boost during her marathon training.
6. She applied a light dusting of powder to her face.
7. The kitchen counter was covered in flour powder.
8. Snow-covered mountains glistened with fresh powder.
9. The chemist mixed the ingredients to create a fine powder.
10. The athlete chalked his hands with white powder.
11. The explosive was finely ground into a dangerous powder.
12. The makeup artist used a soft brush for loose powder.
13. A dusting of powdered sugar adorned the dessert.
14. The skier glided effortlessly through the powdery snow.
15. The ancient manuscript had turned to dust and powder.
16. He poured protein powder into a blender for a smoothie.
17. The fingerprint examiner used fingerprint powder.
18. The archaeologist carefully brushed away dirt and powder.
19. The artist used charcoal powder for his sketch.
20. She sprinkled baby powder on her hands to soothe them.
21. A fine powder coated the surface of the old book.
22. The explosion left a cloud of smoke and powder.
23. The chef added a pinch of chili powder for flavor.
24. The antique vase was covered in a layer of fine powder.
25. The skier enjoyed the thrill of carving through fresh powder.



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