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How to pronounce profusely (audio)

Dictionary definition of profusely

In an abundant or excessive manner.
"He apologized profusely for his mistake."

Detailed meaning of profusely

It suggests that something is being done or expressed in a way that is overflowing or abundant, often to the point of excess. For example, someone might apologize profusely for a mistake they made, expressing their remorse in an exaggerated or effusive manner. Alternatively, someone might thank another person profusely for a kind gesture, expressing their gratitude in a way that is more effusive than necessary. The adverb "profusely" implies a sense of overflowing or abundance, and suggests that something is being done or expressed in a way that is excessive or overly enthusiastic. It is often used in discussions of emotions, apologies, and expressions of gratitude or appreciation.

Example sentences containing profusely

1. She thanked the host profusely for the dinner.
2. The flowers were blooming profusely in the garden.
3. He sweated profusely during the intense workout.
4. The actress praised the director profusely for his guidance.
5. The children played profusely in the park.
6. The wound bled profusely and required medical attention.

History and etymology of profusely

The adverb 'profusely' is derived from the adjective 'profuse,' which has its etymology rooted in the Latin word 'profusus.' In Latin, 'profusus' is the past participle of 'profundere,' meaning 'to pour forth' or 'to lavish.' The term 'profusus' described something poured out or given in abundance. As this concept made its way into Old French as 'profus' and later into Middle English, it retained its core meaning of being abundant or excessive. The adverb 'profusely' is formed by adding the '-ly' suffix to 'profuse,' and it emphasizes the idea of something being done in an abundant or excessive manner. The etymology of 'profusely' underscores its connection to the lavish and overflowing nature of actions or behaviors that go beyond the ordinary or expected.

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Further usage examples of profusely

1. The author described the scenery profusely in her novel.
2. He laughed profusely at the funny joke.
3. The rain poured profusely, causing flash floods.
4. The singer thanked the audience profusely for the warm reception.
5. The painter used color profusely to create a vivid landscape.
6. The flowers in the garden bloomed profusely this spring.
7. She thanked him profusely for his generous donation.
8. Sweat poured profusely down his face after the intense workout.
9. The chef garnished the dish profusely with fresh herbs.
10. After the rain, the river began to flow profusely.
11. The author signed books and smiled profusely at her fans.
12. The baby giggled profusely when tickled by its mother.
13. The student apologized profusely for the late submission.
14. The applause in the theater filled the room profusely.
15. The tree bore fruit profusely this year due to good weather.
16. He sweated profusely while running the marathon.
17. The detective questioned the witness profusely.
18. She blushed profusely when complimented on her outfit.
19. The artist painted the canvas with colors profusely.
20. The fountain sprayed water profusely in the park.
21. The comedian made the audience laugh profusely.
22. The team celebrated their victory profusely.
23. The tears flowed profusely during the emotional farewell.
24. The candidate thanked supporters profusely in her speech.
25. The sunflower field stretched profusely toward the horizon.



abundantly, sparingly, meagerly, scantily

SAT 16 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Abundance and Excess, High School 13

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