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Dictionary definition of provocateur

An individual who intentionally incites or stimulates controversy, unrest, or disruptive behavior for the purpose of eliciting a reaction or provoking a response.
"The political provocateur stirred up public opinion with his inflammatory speeches and radical ideas."

Detailed meaning of provocateur

A provocateur often employs tactics such as rhetoric, actions, or artistic expression to challenge existing norms, beliefs, or authority. They seek to ignite debate, challenge the status quo, and draw attention to social, political, or cultural issues. A provocateur can be found in various fields, including politics, art, journalism, or activism, and their methods may range from subtle manipulation to overtly confrontational acts. The intention behind the actions of a provocateur is typically to expose underlying tensions, stimulate critical thinking, or disrupt established power structures. However, the role of a provocateur can be controversial, as their actions may be seen as disruptive, offensive, or potentially harmful. It is important to note that not all acts of provocation are driven by noble intentions, and the term "provocateur" can be associated with both positive and negative connotations depending on the context and motives of the individual in question.

Example sentences of provocateur

1. The artist was known as a provocateur, constantly challenging societal norms through his controversial exhibitions.
2. The journalist's investigative reports often exposed corruption, earning her a reputation as a fearless provocateur.
3. The activist acted as a provocateur during protests, encouraging peaceful civil disobedience to highlight social injustices.
4. The provocateur's provocative statements sparked heated debates among the panelists.
5. The comedian's irreverent humor made him a beloved provocateur who pushed boundaries with his jokes.
6. The provocateur's daring fashion choices always attracted attention and started fashion trends.

History and etymology of provocateur

The noun 'provocateur' has its etymological roots in the French language, where 'provoquer' means 'to provoke' or 'to incite.' The term is a blend of 'pro,' indicating a forward or intentional action, and 'vocare,' meaning 'to call' or 'to summon.' This etymology vividly encapsulates the role of a provocateur as an individual who intentionally incites or summons controversy, unrest, or disruptive behavior for a specific purpose. It implies a deliberate and calculated act of stirring emotions or reactions in others, often to achieve political, social, or ideological goals. The word 'provocateur' underscores the notion of actively and intentionally stimulating responses or actions in others, often with the aim of promoting a particular agenda or agenda or sparking change.

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Further usage examples of provocateur

1. The film director was hailed as a cinematic provocateur for his thought-provoking and controversial movies.
2. The writer's novels were filled with complex characters and moral dilemmas, establishing her as a literary provocateur.
3. The provocateur's street art challenged authority and forced passersby to confront societal issues.
4. The provocateur's radical ideologies and disruptive actions divided public opinion.
5. The provocateur's online posts ignited a firestorm of comments and discussions on social media.
6. The playwright's controversial play was praised by some as a thought-provoking masterpiece, while others criticized it as the work of a provocateur.
7. The provocateur's speeches at political rallies aimed to galvanize supporters and mobilize them for action.
8. The music provocateur's provocative lyrics and rebellious stage presence captivated audiences and made him a controversial figure in the industry.
9. The provocateur's inflammatory rhetoric ignited a heated debate.
10. A skilled provocateur can manipulate public opinion.
11. The political rally turned chaotic due to a provocateur's actions.
12. The undercover provocateur tried to incite violence at the protest.
13. The provocateur's presence at the event raised suspicions.
14. Social media can amplify the influence of a provocateur.
15. A provocateur's words can be divisive and harmful.
16. The provocateur's actions were intended to disrupt the meeting.
17. Law enforcement is monitoring the activities of known provocateurs.
18. A provocateur can exploit people's fears and prejudices.
19. The provocateur's tactics are designed to destabilize organizations.
20. The provocateur's disguise helped them infiltrate the group.
21. The community was on alert for potential provocateurs.
22. The provocateur's agenda was to create chaos in the community.
23. The provocateur's identity remained shrouded in mystery.



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