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Dictionary definition of retrieve

To obtain, recover, or regain something that was lost, misplaced, or inaccessible.
"He is trying to retrieve the lost files from the backup."

Detailed meaning of retrieve

It involves actively seeking and bringing back an item, information, or memory to its original or desired location. The process of retrieving often implies a deliberate effort, such as searching, recalling, or accessing stored data, to retrieve the desired object or information. This action can occur in various contexts, ranging from physical objects like keys or documents to intangible elements such as memories, files, or digital data. Retrieving requires effective problem-solving skills, memory recall, and the ability to navigate through different sources or locations to successfully locate and obtain what is being sought. Whether it involves finding a misplaced item in a room, accessing information from a database, or recalling a specific memory, the act of retrieving is driven by the intention to recover or regain something of value or importance.

Example sentences of retrieve

1. Can you please retrieve my glasses from the kitchen?
2. The dog was quick to retrieve the ball I threw.
3. We should retrieve the data before the system crashes.
4. The lifeguard had to retrieve the child who swam too far out.
5. I’ll retrieve the package from the post office tomorrow.
6. Let me retrieve the document from my desk.

History and etymology of retrieve

The verb 'retrieve' can be traced back to the Middle English word 'retreven,' which was derived from the Old French term 'retrouver.' Old French, in turn, borrowed this word from the Latin 'retrahere,' where 're' indicates 'back,' and 'trahere' means 'to pull' or 'to draw.' Thus, the etymology of 'retrieve' conveys the idea of pulling something back or recovering it, aligning with its modern meaning of obtaining, recovering, or regaining something that was lost, misplaced, or inaccessible. This term has retained its essential sense of retrieval throughout its linguistic evolution, emphasizing the action of reclaiming or bringing back something that was previously out of reach or lost.

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Further usage examples of retrieve

1. She is teaching her dog to retrieve sticks.
2. Could you retrieve some information on that topic for me?
3. I need to retrieve my coat from the cloakroom.
4. The library system can retrieve books from other branches.
5. After the error, he had to retrieve the original settings.
6. The police officer was able to retrieve the stolen item.
7. I will retrieve the ladder from the garage so we can clean the gutters.
8. They used a crane to retrieve the sunken boat from the lake.
9. She rushed to retrieve her lost keys.
10. He needed to retrieve his files from the backup.
11. They went back to retrieve their forgotten luggage.
12. It took hours to retrieve the data from the crashed computer.
13. The dog was trained to retrieve objects on command.
14. He had to retrieve the document from the printer.
15. They hired a specialist to retrieve the lost treasure.
16. She reached down to retrieve the fallen book.
17. The search and rescue team worked tirelessly to retrieve the hikers.
18. He used a magnet to retrieve the lost jewelry.
19. Retrieving the password required answering security questions.
20. The detective hoped to retrieve crucial evidence.
21. The archaeologists carefully retrieved ancient artifacts.
22. They had to retrieve their belongings from the storage unit.
23. The lifeguard dove into the water to retrieve the drowning child.
24. He rushed to the scene to help retrieve the trapped animal.
25. The technician worked diligently to retrieve deleted files.
26. Retrieving the stolen artwork was a top priority for the police.
27. They needed a ladder to retrieve the ball stuck in the tree.
28. The astronaut used a robotic arm to retrieve the satellite.



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