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How to pronounce retrograde (audio)


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Dictionary definition of retrograde

Moving or proceeding in a backward or reverse direction, or something that is returning to an earlier state or condition.
"The retrograde flow of blood in the vein was a sign of a serious condition."


Detailed meaning of retrograde

This word can be used in a variety of contexts, from astronomy (to describe the apparent movement of a planet in the sky) to medicine (to describe a condition in which a bodily function or process deteriorates or worsens). In a more general sense, the term "retrograde" can also describe something that is considered old-fashioned or outdated, as if it is moving backwards in time. This usage of the term often has a negative connotation, suggesting that the subject in question is not keeping up with the times or is stuck in the past.

Example sentences containing retrograde

1. Retrograde motion baffles astronomers and challenges celestial predictions.
2. Economic retrograde hampers growth, raising concerns for the job market.
3. Technological retrograde stifles progress; we should advance, not regress.
4. Retrograde beliefs clash with modern values, hindering societal advancement.
5. Planets sometimes appear to undergo retrograde motion in the night sky.
6. Retrograde amnesia erases recent memories, leaving gaps in personal history.

History and etymology of retrograde

The adjective 'retrograde' has its etymological origins in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'retrogradus,' which is formed by combining 'retro' (backward) and 'gradus' (step or degree). In Latin, 'retrogradus' originally meant stepping or moving backward, and it was often used to describe a reversal or regression. Over time, this term was adapted into English as 'retrograde,' retaining its core meaning of moving or proceeding in a backward or reverse direction, or referring to something that is returning to an earlier state or condition. The etymology of 'retrograde' effectively captures the idea of a reversal or backward movement, emphasizing the concept of going back or retracing steps.

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Further usage examples of retrograde

1. Retrograde policies impede societal progress and can harm vulnerable groups.
2. The economy's retrograde shift sparks worries about financial stability.
3. Retrograde planets complicate astrological interpretations and forecasts.
4. Health setbacks can lead to retrograde progress, necessitating recovery.
5. Retrograde behavior from leaders can surprise and disappoint the public.
6. Politics may experience retrograde changes that challenge established norms.
7. Software updates causing retrograde performance are frustrating for users.
8. Astronomy studies celestial retrograde motion as part of cosmic observations.
9. Retrograde diseases like Alzheimer's pose complex challenges for healthcare.
10. A retrograde mindset resists new ideas, hindering creativity and innovation.
11. Retrograde glaciers alter landscapes, leaving behind traces of their movement.
12. Retrograde thinking impedes progress and adaptation to changing circumstances.
13. Medicine aims to slow down or halt the retrograde progression of illnesses.
14. Projects facing retrograde setbacks must overcome obstacles to succeed.
15. Music may take a retrograde path, revisiting classic melodies and styles.
16. Astrology interprets retrograde planets as influencing personality traits.
17. Retrograde gears in vehicles aid in precise maneuvering and navigation.
18. Retrograde trends in fashion bring back styles from previous eras.
19. Retrograde political ideologies can hinder social progress and equality.



regressive, progressive, advancing, forward-moving

Obstacles and Hardships, Deterioration and Decline, Traverse and Teeter, Direction and Change

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