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Dictionary definition of slam
To close or shut something with great intensity, often accompanied by a loud noise.
"As the storm approached, I rushed outside to slam the windows shut."
Detailed meaning of slam
It involves applying considerable strength or speed to forcefully bring two surfaces together, causing an abrupt impact. Slamming can be performed with various objects or body parts, such as doors, windows, fists, or hands. It conveys a sense of power, aggression, or frustration, typically associated with exerting force to express emotions or convey a strong message. Additionally, "slam" can be used metaphorically to describe forcefully criticizing or rejecting something or someone, often through harsh or disparaging remarks. In this context, it implies a vigorous and uncompromising judgment or rejection of an idea, opinion, or individual. Overall, the verb "slam" represents an action that involves powerful impact, whether physical or metaphorical, with an emphasis on force, intensity, and the creation of a significant sound or effect.
Example sentences containing slam
1. Quick as a flash, I slam the door to avoid the incoming storm.
2. Don't slam the drawer; it might break the dishes.
3. If you slam your laptop shut too hard, you might damage the screen.
4. You should slam on the brakes when you see a stop sign.
5. Watch out, she's about to slam the volleyball over the net!
6. Whenever he gets upset, he tends to slam his books down on the desk.
History and etymology of slam
The verb 'slam' has its origins in the Middle English word 'slamme,' which meant 'to strike violently' or 'to shut with force.' It shares an etymological connection with similar words in other Germanic languages, such as the Dutch 'slam,' which means 'to slam' or 'to shut with a bang.' The onomatopoeic nature of the word 'slam' reflects the loud and forceful sound often associated with the action of closing or shutting something with great intensity. Over time, 'slam' has come to describe not only the act of forcefully shutting a door or lid but also any action involving a sudden, vigorous impact or closure, whether physical or metaphorical. Its etymology underscores the emphasis on force and intensity inherent in the word's meaning.
Further usage examples of slam
1. Please be careful not to slam your fingers in the car door.
2. I hate it when my neighbors slam their doors late at night.
3. He will slam the hammer down if the auction reaches its peak.
4. If you slam the weights down at the gym, you might injure someone.
5. I'll slam the door shut if you don't stop talking.
6. Whenever they argue, he has a habit to slam the phone down.
7. Please, don't slam the fridge door; it's not good for the appliance.
8. When she gets mad, she likes to slam her cup on the table.
9. If you keep your anger inside, eventually, you'll slam it out somehow.
10. It's better to gently close the window rather than slam it shut.
11. You shouldn't slam your locker door; it disturbs everyone in the hallway.
12. After a tough day at work, I usually slam my bag on the floor.
13. You can slam the punching bag harder to release your stress.
14. If you slam the pedal to the metal, the car will accelerate rapidly.,,
Control and Discipline, Decline and Disintegrate, Violence and Aggression
Synonyms for slam
Quiz categories containing slam
bang, open, gently close, ease