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Dictionary definition of stir

To physically agitate or mix.
"The motivational speech did much to stir the crowd’s enthusiasm."

Detailed meaning of stir

Stir can refer to the action of mixing or agitating a liquid or substance by using a spoon or another utensil. For example, you stir your coffee to dissolve the sugar.

To move or shift slightly: Stir can also mean to move or shift something gently or slightly. For instance, you might stir the ingredients in a recipe to evenly distribute them.

To provoke or incite: Stir can be used metaphorically to mean provoking or inciting emotions or reactions in someone. For example, a powerful speech can stir up feelings of patriotism or a sad movie might stir up emotions of empathy.

To rouse from sleep or inactivity: Stir can mean to awaken someone from sleep or to bring someone out of a state of inactivity. You might stir a sleeping child or stir someone's interest by presenting an exciting opportunity.

To be active or cause commotion: Stir can refer to a state of activity or commotion, such as when people become stirred up about a controversial issue, causing a lively debate or protest.

To give movement or activity to a liquid or substance: Stir can also describe the act of giving movement or activity to a liquid or substance. For example, yeast can be added to dough to make it rise and stir the fermentation process.

Overall, "stir" encompasses the actions of mixing, moving gently, provoking, rousing, creating activity, and giving movement, depending on the specific context in which it is used.

Example sentences of stir

1. I like to stir my coffee before taking the first sip.
2. Please stir the soup gently to avoid splashing it.
3. Can you stir the ingredients together until they are well combined?
4. She used a wooden spoon to stir the sauce in the pot.
5. Remember to stir the paint thoroughly before applying it to the wall.
6. The chef used a whisk to stir the batter until it became smooth.

History and etymology of stir

The verb 'stir' has its roots in Old English and Old Norse. In Old English, it was 'styrian,' and in Old Norse, 'styrra,' both of which meant to agitate or disturb. Over time, these words evolved and merged to form the modern English verb 'stir,' which describes the action of physically agitating or mixing something, often by means of a utensil or a tool. The etymology of 'stir' highlights its fundamental association with the act of stirring or agitating substances to create a homogeneous mixture, whether in cooking, chemistry, or other contexts where blending or movement is required.

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Further usage examples of stir

1. I enjoy using a long-handled spoon to stir my tea.
2. Stir the mixture until it reaches a creamy consistency.
3. He asked me to stir the pot of chili while he chopped the vegetables.
4. I like to stir my oatmeal to evenly distribute the flavors.
5. Please stir the stew occasionally while it simmers on the stove.
6. She gently stirred the cauldron filled with a magical potion.
7. I use a chopstick to stir the rice in the wok when cooking fried rice.
8. The bartender used a cocktail shaker to stir the drink.
9. Don't forget to stir the pasta while it's boiling to prevent sticking.
10. He used a wooden stick to stir the embers in the fireplace.
11. The child eagerly grabbed a spoon and tried to stir the pancake batter.
12. I always stir the salad dressing before drizzling it over the greens.
13. Stir the ingredients in the bowl until they are evenly distributed.
14. She asked me to stir the pot of soup while she stepped away for a moment.


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