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conference, disunion, disagreement, isolation





How to pronounce symposium (audio)

Dictionary definition of symposium

A formal gathering at which experts discuss a specific topic or theme.
"The symposium provided a platform for young researchers to present their work."

Detailed meaning of symposium

A symposium is a formal gathering or conference at which experts in a particular field give presentations and engage in discussions on a specific topic or theme. The term "symposium" comes from the Greek word "syn-pósis" meaning "drinking together". Historically, symposia were social events in ancient Greece where philosophers, scholars, and other intellectuals would gather to drink, eat, and engage in intellectual discussions. Nowadays, symposiums can also be academic or professional events, where experts present research findings, share ideas and discuss current issues in their field. They can be held in person or virtually, and can be organized by universities, research institutions, professional associations, or other organizations. Symposiums often provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and the advancement of knowledge in a specific area of study or research.

Example sentences of symposium

1. The academic symposium provided a platform for researchers to present their findings.
2. The symposium brought together experts from various fields to discuss the future of sustainable energy.
3. Attending the symposium allowed me to gain new insights and perspectives on the topic.
4. Students eagerly participated in the symposium, showcasing their innovative projects and ideas.
5. The symposium served as a networking opportunity for professionals in the healthcare industry.
6. The symposium explored the intersection of technology and ethics in a thought-provoking manner.

History and etymology of symposium

The noun 'symposium' has its etymological origins in ancient Greek. It is derived from the Greek word 'symposion,' which combines 'syn' (meaning 'together') and 'posis' (meaning 'drinking' or 'a drink'). In ancient Greece, a 'symposion' was a social gathering or banquet where participants came together not only to drink but also to engage in intellectual discussions, often on a wide range of topics. These gatherings were characterized by the exchange of ideas, music, and philosophical discourse. Over time, the term 'symposium' transitioned into English to describe a formal gathering at which experts or scholars discuss a specific topic or theme. It retains the sense of intellectual exchange and collective discourse that was central to the original Greek concept. Therefore, the etymology of 'symposium' underscores its use as a noun to represent a formal assembly where participants come together to engage in thoughtful and often scholarly discussions.

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Further usage examples of symposium

1. The symposium encouraged lively debates and discussions among the attendees.
2. Leading researchers presented groundbreaking research at the symposium, pushing the boundaries of knowledge.
3. The symposium provided a platform for artists to discuss the impact of art on social change.
4. Participants at the symposium engaged in interactive workshops to enhance their skills and knowledge.
5. The symposium was organized with the aim of fostering collaboration and cross-disciplinary dialogue.
6. The symposium featured a keynote address by a renowned expert in the field.
7. The symposium attendees exchanged ideas and best practices during the networking breaks.
8. The symposium concluded with a lively Q&A session, where the audience had the opportunity to engage with the speakers.
9. The symposium created an environment of intellectual stimulation and knowledge sharing.
10. The symposium agenda included a diverse range of topics, catering to the interests of a broad audience.
11. The symposium proceedings will be published in a special issue of a prestigious academic journal.
12. The symposium venue was equipped with state-of-the-art audiovisual technology to facilitate seamless presentations.
13. The symposium left a lasting impact on the participants, inspiring them to continue their pursuit of excellence in their respective fields.
14. Attending the symposium was a great opportunity to network with industry leaders.
15. The medical symposium covered groundbreaking research in the field.
16. The symposium's panel discussion sparked lively debates among attendees.
17. Scholars from around the world gathered for an international symposium on linguistics.
18. The symposium on artificial intelligence explored the future of technology.
19. The symposium's keynote speaker delivered an inspiring address on innovation.
20. The cultural symposium celebrated the diversity of global traditions.
21. Scientists presented their findings at the symposium on space exploration.
22. The symposium's workshops provided valuable insights for educators.
23. Attending the symposium left me feeling enlightened and motivated.



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