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How to pronounce dictatorship (audio)

Dictionary definition of dictatorship

A form of government or political system in which absolute power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group of individuals known as dictators.
"The citizens lived in fear under the oppressive dictatorship."

Detailed meaning of dictatorship

In a dictatorship, the ruling authority exercises complete control and authority over the government, economy, and society, often without the consent or input of the governed. Dictatorships are characterized by the absence of democratic processes, such as free and fair elections, separation of powers, and protection of individual rights and liberties. They rely on repression, censorship, propaganda, and intimidation to maintain power and suppress opposition. Dictatorships can emerge through military coups, revolution, or the erosion of democratic institutions. They often prioritize the interests and agenda of the ruling elite over the welfare and freedoms of the general population. The presence of a dictatorship typically results in limited political freedoms, human rights abuses, and a lack of accountability or transparency in governance.

Example sentences containing dictatorship

1. The country suffered under the oppressive rule of a brutal dictatorship for decades.
2. The dictator's regime was characterized by censorship and political repression.
3. Citizens lived in fear under the iron fist of the dictatorship.
4. The dictator's propaganda machine spread misinformation to maintain control over the population.
5. The dictatorship silenced any opposition voices through intimidation and violence.
6. The dictator amassed great wealth and power during his years in the dictatorship.

History and etymology of dictatorship

The noun 'dictatorship' is rooted in the term 'dictator,' which has its origins in ancient Rome. 'Dictator' is derived from the Latin word 'dictator,' which comes from 'dictare,' meaning 'to dictate' or 'to command.' In ancient Rome, a 'dictator' was a temporary magistrate appointed during times of crisis and granted absolute authority to make decisions and issue commands for the state's welfare. The suffix '-ship' is often added to nouns to denote a state or condition, and when applied to 'dictator,' it forms 'dictatorship.' Thus, 'dictatorship' refers to a form of government or political system in which absolute power is concentrated in the hands of a single individual or a small group of individuals known as dictators, reflecting the historical connection to the concept of dictatorial rule from ancient Rome.

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Further usage examples of dictatorship

1. The dictatorship implemented strict surveillance measures to monitor the activities of its citizens.
2. Many citizens fled the country to escape the tyranny of the dictatorship.
3. The dictator used military force to suppress any attempts at uprising against the dictatorship.
4. The dictatorship's policies led to economic stagnation and widespread poverty.
5. Human rights violations were rampant under the dictatorship's rule.
6. The dictator maintained a cult of personality to bolster his image and control over the people.
7. Dissent was not tolerated under the dictatorship, and those who spoke out faced severe consequences.
8. The dictatorship's propaganda portrayed the dictator as a benevolent leader.
9. The dictatorship tightly controlled the media to manipulate public opinion.
10. The dictator appointed loyalists to key positions of power within the dictatorship.
11. The dictatorship's grip on the country was finally toppled by a popular uprising.
12. The international community imposed sanctions on the dictatorship to pressure it into reforms.
13. The dictator's family enjoyed lavish lifestyles while the majority of the population suffered under the dictatorship.
14. The scars of the dictatorship still lingered in the collective memory of the nation.

Control and Discipline, Fear and Ferocity, Rigor and Rebellion, Dominance and Supremacy, Politics and Government


tyranny, democracy, republic, anarchy



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