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Dictionary definition of squander

To waste something, usually a valuable resource, in a careless or reckless manner.
"He tends to squander his time on unproductive activities."

Detailed meaning of squander

It refers to a situation in which someone uses up or spends something in a way that is wasteful or unnecessary, and does not provide any real benefit or value. For example, someone might squander their inheritance by spending it on frivolous purchases, rather than investing it wisely or using it to achieve long-term financial stability. Alternatively, a company might squander its resources by investing in projects that do not generate a return on investment, or by failing to manage its expenses effectively. The verb "squander" suggests a sense of waste or loss, and implies that someone is using up something valuable without any real purpose or benefit. It is often used in discussions of personal finance, business management, and environmental conservation, where the responsible use of resources is critical to achieving long-term success and sustainability.

Example sentences containing squander

1. He would often squander his money on unnecessary purchases.
2. They squander their opportunities by not taking them seriously.
3. We should not squander our resources on frivolous endeavors.
4. They will regret it if they squander their inheritance.
5. It's important not to squander the chance to make a positive impact.
6. He tends to squander his talents by not putting in enough effort.

History and etymology of squander

The verb 'squander' has its roots in the Middle English word 'squandren,' which meant 'to scatter,' and it can be traced back to the Old North French word 'esquandir,' meaning 'to disperse.' The term 'squander' emerged in the English language during the 16th century, primarily signifying the act of recklessly scattering or dispersing something, often referring to valuable resources, without regard for their worth. This etymology captures the essence of the word, as 'squander' conveys the idea of wastefulness and extravagance, emphasizing the careless and thoughtless dissipation of assets or opportunities.

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Further usage examples of squander

1. Don't squander your energy on things that don't matter in the long run.
2. She could have achieved so much more if she didn't squander her potential.
3. It's a shame to see talented individuals squander their abilities.
4. The company cannot afford to squander its market position by ignoring customer feedback.
5. They should be careful not to squander the goodwill they have built up over the years.
6. It's frustrating to watch them squander their advantages through poor decision-making.
7. We must not squander this moment of unity and cooperation.
8. The team's poor teamwork caused them to squander their lead.
9. He would squander his wealth on frivolous purchases.
10. Time is too precious to squander on trivial matters.
11. They warned him not to squander his talent.
12. She regretted that she had squandered her opportunities.
13. The company's executives seemed to squander resources.
14. It's important not to squander the chance to learn.
15. He vowed never to squander his second chance.
16. Don't squander your energy on negative thoughts.
17. Squandered potential can be a source of great regret.
18. A lack of planning can cause you to squander money.
19. Opportunities like this are rare; don't squander them.
20. Squandering time can lead to missed opportunities.
21. He continued to squander his good fortune.
22. It's unwise to squander your health through neglect.
23. They hoped the government wouldn't squander the funds.
24. Don't squander your youth; make the most of it.
25. She refused to squander her creativity any longer.
26. The team couldn't afford to squander their lead.
27. It's a shame to squander such natural talent.
28. He promised not to squander the goodwill of others.



waste, conserve, save, preserve


SAT 3 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 13, Middle School 12

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