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ablution, acrimony, affable, alopecia, antonym, aspiration, behemoth, castigate, clemency, contaminate, corsair, cortical, cronyism, cultist, defiance, demotic, de-jure, discrete, disembowel, disunite, dysphoria, equivocation, facetious, figment, gratis, hallelujah, hoodwink, imprudent, inconclusive, inferred, intangible, intelligentsia, intonation, mediocre, menial, mesmerize, messiah, minutiae, Neolithic, nether, nonplussed, ornithic, parsimony, penumbra, perfidy, perjury, personify, perturbation, placebo, procreation, profanity, prolific, prudish, purview, putrefy, recede, reign, repercussion, replete, reverberation, scathing, seminal, smolder, soluble, southpaw, statuesque, stigmatize, sturdy, tedium, thaumaturgy, trajectory, undisputed, unquestionable, vivisection, yearning