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How to pronounce belated (audio)

Dictionary definition of belated

Occurring, happening, or received later than expected, customary, or appropriate.
"A belated thank-you note arrived long after the wedding gifts were opened."

Detailed meaning of belated

It often implies a delay beyond what is considered timely or punctual. For instance, a belated birthday card is one that is sent after the actual date of the birthday has passed. Similarly, a belated apology indicates an apology offered later than it should have been. The term is not limited to time-related contexts; it can also apply to anything that is delayed or tardy in relation to expectations or norms. "Belated" carries a connotation of lateness or tardiness, often with an acknowledgment of the delay or an implication of missed opportunities.

Example sentences containing belated

1. She received a belated wedding invitation in the mail, even though the ceremony was just a week away.
2. His belated realization of the project's importance led to a frantic rush to catch up.
3. The belated spring thaw meant that some areas were still covered in snow in May.
4. I offered my belated condolences to her for the loss of her beloved pet.
5. Their belated decision to change the travel plans resulted in higher airfare costs.
6. The belated recognition of her talent as an artist came as a pleasant surprise.

History and etymology of belated

The adjective 'belated' is formed from the prefix 'be-' and the word 'lated.' 'Lated' comes from the Old English word 'læt,' which means 'late' or 'slow.' When combined with the prefix 'be-' (meaning 'completely' or 'thoroughly'), it creates 'belated,' signifying something that is completely late or delayed beyond the expected or customary time. The etymology of 'belated' emphasizes the notion of a delay that goes beyond the usual or appropriate timing, making it a fitting term for describing events, actions, or messages that occur later than expected or desired.

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Further usage examples of belated

1. He finally made a belated attempt to reconcile with his estranged brother.
2. The belated arrival of the package caused some inconvenience for the recipient.
3. Her belated understanding of the instructions caused delays in the project.
4. The belated response to the crisis exacerbated the situation.
5. The belated start of the race due to technical difficulties frustrated the athletes.
6. Their belated decision to invest in the stock market paid off handsomely.
7. The belated sunset in the northern hemisphere during summer allows for extended outdoor activities.
8. The company's belated recognition of its environmental responsibilities led to sustainability initiatives.
9. A belated resolution to exercise more frequently resulted in improved health.
10. Her belated arrival at the party caused her to miss the surprise cake-cutting ceremony.
11. The belated acceptance of her ideas by the team highlighted her innovative thinking.
12. His belated efforts to repair the relationship were met with skepticism.
13. The belated decision to renovate the old building breathed new life into the neighborhood.
14. Her belated birthday card arrived a week after the celebration.
15. The belated apology only deepened the rift between them.
16. We received the belated news of their engagement with joy.
17. His belated realization of the mistake left him feeling regretful.
18. The belated recognition of her talent was long overdue.
19. A belated response to the urgent email caused frustration.
20. The belated spring thaw delayed the planting of crops.
21. The belated arrival of the guests disrupted the dinner plans.
22. The belated decision to cancel the event disappointed many.
23. His belated attempt to make amends fell on deaf ears.
24. The belated arrival of the rescue team raised hope for the stranded hikers.

Prefix be-, ACT 15 (American College Testing), Middle School 6, Disenchantment and Discontent


late, punctual, timely, early



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