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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



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Dictionary definition of cognizance

The state of being aware, knowledgeable, or conscious of something.
"She lacked cognizance of the potential consequences of her actions."

Detailed meaning of cognizance

It encompasses the understanding or recognition of a particular fact, situation, or concept. When one has cognizance, they possess a clear perception and comprehension of their surroundings or the information presented to them. It implies a level of consciousness and attentiveness, where individuals actively engage their mental faculties to grasp and interpret the world around them. Cognizance goes beyond mere observation; it involves a deep understanding and appreciation of the subject matter at hand. It allows individuals to make informed judgments, decisions, or take appropriate actions based on their acquired knowledge and awareness. Having cognizance is essential in various domains, such as law, ethics, education, and personal growth, as it enables individuals to navigate complexities and make meaningful contributions to society.

Example sentences containing cognizance

1. The defendant's lack of cognizance of the law did not exempt them from legal consequences.
2. The company operated the project with full cognizance of the potential risks involved.
3. The employees demonstrated cognizance of the company's policies and procedures.
4. The decision was made with cognizance of the potential impact on the environment.
5. The government acted swiftly once they gained cognizance of the security threat.
6. The manager's cognizance of market trends allowed them to make informed business decisions.

History and etymology of cognizance

The noun 'cognizance' has its roots in Latin and Old French. It is derived from the Latin word 'cognoscere,' which means 'to get to know' or 'to recognize.' In Old French, it evolved into 'conoisance,' referring to knowledge or recognition. Therefore, the etymology of 'cognizance' conveys the idea of being aware, knowledgeable, or conscious of something. In English, it is used to describe the state of being aware or taking notice of something, often indicating a level of recognition or understanding. The term 'cognizance' emphasizes the concept of awareness and recognition, reflecting its historical connection to the idea of acquiring knowledge and consciousness of something.

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Further usage examples of cognizance

1. The policy was implemented to ensure cognizance of workplace safety regulations.
2. The educational program aimed to raise cognizance of cultural diversity among students.
3. The project team operated with cognizance of the project timeline and milestones.
4. The survey results provided valuable cognizance of customer preferences and opinions.
5. The speaker emphasized the importance of self-cognizance in personal development.
6. The journalist's article brought public cognizance to social justice issues.
7. The training session aimed to increase cognizance of unconscious biases in the workplace.
8. The documentary shed light on the importance of historical cognizance.
9. The company conducted a comprehensive audit to gain cognizance of its financial position.
10. The teacher assessed the students' cognizance of the subject through a quiz.
11. The workshop aimed to enhance participants' cognizance of effective communication techniques.
12. The legal team argued that the defendant had cognizance of their actions and should be held accountable.
13. The committee reviewed the proposal with full cognizance of its potential implications.
14. Her cognizance of the intricate details impressed the entire team.
15. With utmost cognizance, he tackled the complex problem head-on.
16. Cognizance of environmental issues is vital for a sustainable future.
17. The artist's cognizance of color theory enhanced her paintings.
18. Legal experts must have a deep cognizance of the case's nuances.
19. In science class, students gain cognizance of natural phenomena.
20. His cognizance of global politics made him a respected diplomat.
21. Cognizance of one's emotions is crucial for mental well-being.
22. The leader's cognizance of technology trends drove innovation.
23. Cognizance of cultural diversity fosters harmony in society.
24. She demonstrated her cognizance of ancient history in the essay.

Suffix -ance, Perception and Perspicacity, Consciousness and Awareness, Insight and Intelligence


awareness, ignorance, unawareness, oblivion



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