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How to pronounce cohabit (audio)


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Dictionary definition of cohabit

To live together with someone, typically in a romantic or intimate relationship, without being married.
"The couple decided to cohabit before getting married to test their compatibility."


Detailed meaning of cohabit

The term can refer to any two people who live together, regardless of their gender or relationship status. Cohabiting can be seen as an alternative to marriage, and is a way for people to share living expenses, build a life together, and test the waters of a relationship before making a more permanent commitment. Cohabiting can also be a way for couples who do not wish to marry or who are not legally able to marry to form a household and build a life together. The term cohabit suggests a sense of partnership and shared responsibility, and is often used to describe couples who are in a committed and long-term relationship, but who have chosen not to get married. Overall, cohabit is a term used to describe the act of living together with someone in an intimate relationship, without being legally married.

Example sentences containing cohabit

1. Many couples prefer to cohabit before getting married.
2. Birds and squirrels sometimes cohabit in the same tree.
3. Due to economic constraints, people from different backgrounds are forced to cohabit in urban areas.
4. In some cultures, it's common for extended families to cohabit in the same household.
5. Young adults often cohabit with their friends when they move to a new city for work.
6. It is important to establish clear boundaries when you decide to cohabit with someone.

History and etymology of cohabit

The verb 'cohabit' has its etymological roots in Latin, where 'co-' means 'together' and 'habitare' means 'to dwell' or 'to live.' 'Cohabit' is used to describe the act of living together with someone, typically in a romantic or intimate relationship, without being married. The term embodies the idea of two people sharing a living space and a life together, often in a committed partnership, without the formal legal or religious ties of marriage. 'Cohabit' reflects the recognition of diverse relationship structures and the evolution of societal norms regarding partnerships and living arrangements. It serves as a neutral and descriptive term for the choice many individuals make to share their lives and homes with a partner in a way that suits their personal preferences and circumstances.

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Further usage examples of cohabit

1. The decision to cohabit with a partner is a significant step in a relationship.
2. Many species of fish cohabit in the same water bodies without any issues.
3. It is not uncommon for students to cohabit in shared accommodation while studying abroad.
4. The increasing cost of living in metropolitan cities has made it necessary for many people to cohabit.
5. It's essential to have open communication and mutual respect when you cohabit with someone.
6. The government has implemented policies to encourage people to cohabit in eco-friendly communities.
7. It is essential to discuss financial responsibilities before deciding to cohabit with someone.
8. Many religious beliefs have specific guidelines about whether or not it is appropriate to cohabit before marriage.
9. Cohabit with people who share similar lifestyles and habits to make the living situation more comfortable.
10. In some regions, it is customary for several generations of a family to cohabit in the same residence.
11. Due to space limitations, animals in captivity often have to cohabit in confined spaces.
12. It's important to have a clear understanding of each other's expectations when you decide to cohabit with someone.
13. In some cases, divorced parents choose to cohabit for the sake of their children.
14. It is necessary to establish house rules and responsibilities when you cohabit with others.



live together, live separately, distance, part


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