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How to pronounce concur (audio)

Dictionary definition of concur

To agree with someone else's opinion or to share the same point of view.
"The committee is expected to concur with the proposal."

Detailed meaning of concur

When people concur, they come to a common understanding or consensus on a particular issue or topic. This can involve expressing agreement verbally, nodding in approval, or indicating assent in some other way. In a professional context, colleagues may be asked to concur with a decision or proposal before it is implemented, in order to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there is no disagreement or misunderstanding. In some cases, individuals may concur with an idea or plan, but have reservations or concerns that they may express later. Overall, concurrence is an important aspect of collaboration and decision-making, as it helps to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.

Example sentences containing concur

1. After reviewing the evidence, the jury members concur on the defendant's guilt.
2. I concur with your opinion that this movie is worth watching.
3. The doctors concur that a healthy diet and exercise are essential for well-being.
4. Let's see if our schedules concur and we can meet for lunch.
5. Despite their differences, both sides concur on the need for education reform.
6. It's rare to find two historians who concur entirely on the interpretation of a historical event.

History and etymology of concur

The verb 'concur' originates from the Latin word 'concurrere,' which combines 'con,' meaning 'together,' and 'currere,' meaning 'to run.' In its original Latin sense, 'concurrere' referred to individuals or things coming together or meeting at a single point, often in a physical sense. Over time, the term evolved to encompass the idea of people or opinions coming together in agreement or harmony. In English, 'concur' was adopted in the late 16th century to describe the act of agreeing with someone else's opinion or sharing the same point of view. The etymology of 'concur' underscores its connection to the notion of convergence and alignment in thought or opinion, highlighting the idea of people figuratively 'running together' in agreement.

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Further usage examples of concur

1. The financial analysts concur that the stock market is currently unstable.
2. We concur with the decision to postpone the event due to bad weather.
3. His statements concur with the information presented in the report.
4. The team members concur that the project's timeline needs to be extended.
5. Different cultures may concur on some values while differing on others.
6. The committee members concur that stricter regulations are required for environmental protection.
7. The witnesses' testimonies concur in painting a clear picture of the accident.
8. The survey results concur with the anecdotal evidence gathered from interviews.
9. Historians concur that certain historical periods shaped modern society significantly.
10. Our observations concur with the findings of previous research studies.
11. Experts concur that regular exercise is crucial for maintaining cardiovascular health.
12. As a panel, we must concur on the best course of action to take.
13. Philosophers concur that questions about the nature of reality are complex and multifaceted.
14. I concur with your assessment of the situation.
15. The two witnesses' testimonies concur with each other.
16. The judge's decision will concur with the evidence presented in court.
17. The survey results concur with the company's market research.
18. My opinion does not concur with that of my colleague.
19. The findings of the investigation concur with the whistleblower's account.
20. I concur that this is the best course of action.
21. Experts concur that exercise is important for maintaining good health.
22. The board of directors will concur with the CEO's decision.
23. The medical team will need to concur on the best treatment plan for the patient.

Agreements and Settlements, Compliance and Regulation, Decision and Discretion, Compliance and Submission



agree, disagree, differ, dissent


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