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Dictionary definition of corporeal

Relating to or characteristic of the physical body.
"The ghost was said to be a corporeal manifestation of a former resident of the house."


Detailed meaning of corporeal

This term is often used in reference to human beings, animals, or other living organisms, as opposed to spiritual or abstract entities. A corporeal entity has tangible physical characteristics, such as a body with flesh, bones, and organs. The term is also used to describe physical sensations or experiences, such as pain, pleasure, or hunger. In some philosophical and religious contexts, "corporeal" may be contrasted with "spiritual" or "ethereal," emphasizing the tangible nature of the body as opposed to the intangible or transcendent aspects of the self. Overall, the term "corporeal" is often used to emphasize the physical reality and material nature of living beings and their experiences.

Example sentences containing corporeal

1. Yoga promotes harmony between the mental and corporeal aspects of well-being.
2. The artist's paintings vividly depict the corporeal beauty of the human form.
3. The ancient philosopher pondered the connection between the corporeal and the spiritual.
4. The dancer's movements were an exquisite display of corporeal grace.
5. In virtual reality, users can interact with corporeal sensations.
6. Meditation can foster a deep awareness of one's corporeal self.

History and etymology of corporeal

The adjective 'corporeal' has its etymological roots in the Latin word 'corporalis,' which is derived from 'corpus,' meaning 'body.' This etymology effectively conveys the essence of 'corporeal' as something related to or characteristic of the physical body. It implies a focus on the tangible, material aspects of existence and emphasizes the connection between the adjective and the human or animal body. 'Corporeal' is often used to describe physical sensations, experiences, or attributes, highlighting its role in distinguishing the physical from the abstract or metaphysical. Its etymological origin in 'corpus' underscores the importance of the body as a central aspect of our lived experiences and the world around us.

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Further usage examples of corporeal

1. The surgeon skillfully repaired the patient's corporeal injuries.
2. The writer delved into the mysteries of the corporeal and metaphysical realms.
3. She sought a spiritual path that embraced both the corporeal and transcendent.
4. The athlete's training regimen was designed to optimize corporeal strength.
5. As humans, our corporeal existence is inseparable from our consciousness.
6. Quantum physics explores the mysteries of the corporeal world at its smallest scale.
7. The corporeal pleasures of fine dining brought joy to their evening.
8. The study of anatomy is crucial to understanding the intricacies of the corporeal body.
9. The explorer's adventures took him to the farthest reaches of corporeal existence.
10. Music has the power to evoke profound corporeal sensations and emotions.
11. Artists often seek inspiration from the corporeal experiences of everyday life.
12. The philosopher contemplated the impermanence of the corporeal world.
13. Through meditation, she achieved a heightened awareness of her corporeal self.
14. The poet's verses celebrated the corporeal and ephemeral nature of human existence.
15. Yoga can help you connect with your corporeal body.
16. The soul is said to be distinct from the corporeal body in many religious traditions.
17. The patient reported corporeal pain in their lower back.
18. The artist's work explores the relationship between the corporeal and the spiritual.
19. Eating a balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy corporeal form.
20. The book delves into the history of corporeal punishment in schools.
21. The monk sought to transcend his corporeal existence through meditation and self-denial.
22. The scientist studied the relationship between mental and corporeal health.
23. The surgeon performed a complex corporeal reconstruction on the patient.
24. The prisoner endured years of corporeal deprivation and solitary confinement.
25. The therapist encouraged her client to focus on the corporeal sensations in their body to reduce stress and anxiety.



physical, spiritual, intangible, immaterial


SAT 14 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 2, Physiology and Anatomy

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