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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce credence (audio)

Dictionary definition of credence

The acceptance or belief in something as true or valid, often based on the credibility or trustworthiness of the source or evidence.
"The inventor's ideas steadily gained credence among the scientific community."

Detailed meaning of credence

When someone gives credence to an idea, claim, or piece of information, it means they consider it to be reliable and worthy of belief. Credence is closely tied to trust and faith in the accuracy or authenticity of a statement, making it a crucial element in matters of trustworthiness and credibility. It can also refer to the credibility or authority that a person or source is perceived to have in a particular field or domain. In essence, "credence" signifies the confidence or trust placed in information or the acknowledgment of its validity, highlighting the importance of credibility and belief in various aspects of human knowledge and interaction.

Example sentences containing credence

1. Scientific research requires rigorous evidence to gain credence in the academic community.
2. The detective gave credence to the witness's testimony, as it corroborated other evidence.
3. Conspiracy theories lack credible sources and often fail to gain credence.
4. The company's long history of success lends credence to its reliability.
5. Her impeccable track record added credence to her leadership abilities.
6. The newspaper's reputation for unbiased reporting lent credence to its stories.

History and etymology of credence

The noun 'credence' has its roots in the Latin word 'credentia,' which means 'belief' or 'trust.' Over time, this Latin term evolved into 'credence' in English during the 14th century, signifying the acceptance or belief in something as true or valid, often based on the credibility or trustworthiness of the source or evidence. 'Credence' emphasizes the idea that information or claims are accepted and given weight because they come from a trustworthy or authoritative source, highlighting the role of trust and belief in human understanding and decision-making. Its etymology underscores the essential connection between credibility, trust, and the acceptance of information or ideas as credible or valid.

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Further usage examples of credence

1. In court, eyewitness testimony can carry significant credence.
2. The CEO's endorsement gave credence to the new product's quality.
3. The historical artifact provided tangible credence to the ancient civilization's existence.
4. Skeptics often challenge claims without substantial evidentiary credence.
5. Credence is crucial when establishing trust in business relationships.
6. The expert's credentials provided additional credence to their analysis.
7. The authenticity of the ancient manuscript lent credence to its historical significance.
8. Public opinion polls gain credence when conducted by reputable organizations.
9. Anonymous sources can hinder the credence of a news story.
10. Credence in the justice system relies on impartial judges and fair trials.
11. The academic paper garnered credence due to its thorough research methodology.
12. Unsubstantiated rumors lack credence in serious discussions.
13. A strong case requires both evidence and credible witnesses to gain credence.
14. The politician's frequent flip-flopping eroded public credence in their leadership.
15. Transparency and honesty are essential for maintaining credence in government.
16. Peer-reviewed studies hold more credence in the scientific community.
17. Ethical behavior and integrity enhance one's credence in the workplace.
18. Credence is often built on a foundation of consistency and reliability.
19. In journalism, fact-checking is vital for maintaining the credence of news stories.

Suffix -ence, GRE 14 (Graduate Record Examination), Approval and Endorsement, Compliance and Submission


belief, disbelief, distrust, skepticism



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