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Dictionary definition of discomfit

To make someone feel uneasy, embarrassed, or perplexed, often by causing discomfort or defeat in a situation.
"Her blunt remarks often discomfit those who expect a more polished conversation."

Detailed meaning of discomfit

It involves causing a sense of awkwardness or distress, typically through unexpected or unsettling actions or circumstances. When someone is discomfited, they may experience a loss of composure, confidence, or control, leading to a state of confusion or vulnerability. The verb can be used to describe situations where individuals or groups are caught off guard, challenged, or outmaneuvered, resulting in a sense of discomfort or frustration. Discomfitting someone can occur through various means, such as unexpected remarks, defeating an opponent, exposing weaknesses, or disrupting their plans. Overall, discomfitting involves unsettling or perturbing someone's emotional or psychological state, often leading to a temporary feeling of unease or embarrassment.

Example sentences of discomfit

1. The surprising twist in the plot will discomfit even the most experienced mystery reader.
2. Shouldn't we discomfit the enemy with a surprise attack at dawn?
3. His icy stare began to discomfit her during the meeting.
4. The prickly question seemed to discomfit the experienced politician.
5. Those complex equations will discomfit anyone who isn't a math enthusiast.
6. His straightforward comments may discomfit some, but they are necessary for progress.

History and etymology of discomfit

The verb 'discomfit' has its roots in Old French and Middle English, with its original form being 'desconforter.' It is a combination of 'des-' (meaning 'completely' or 'thoroughly') and 'conforter' (meaning 'to comfort'). In its etymology, 'discomfit' conveys the idea of causing someone to feel completely uncomfortable or distressed. Over time, the term evolved to describe the act of making someone feel uneasy, embarrassed, or perplexed, often through discomfort or defeat in a situation. 'Discomfit' underscores the sense of discomfort and unease it brings to individuals, highlighting the ability to disrupt one's comfort and confidence in various circumstances.

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Further usage examples of discomfit

1. Why would you discomfit our guests with such controversial topics?
2. The extreme heat can discomfit even the hardiest of desert animals.
3. They hope that the new strategy will discomfit their competitors.
4. He tends to discomfit people with his dark sense of humor.
5. Unsettling revelations from the investigation may discomfit the public.
6. Even the softest whisper would discomfit the meditating monk.
7. The striking difference in their social status began to discomfit him.
8. The complicated medical jargon can easily discomfit any layperson.
9. Will the novel's graphic details discomfit conservative readers?
10. Don't let the financial market fluctuations discomfit you too much.
11. The sudden lightning strike did discomfit everyone in the camp.
12. Sudden power cuts can discomfit the city's daily operations.
13. His thoughtless comments continue to discomfit his friends and family.
14. Her sarcasm can discomfit even the most confident speaker.
15. A sudden question may discomfit him during the interview.
16. His silence did discomfit her, making the room uneasy.
17. Your insight might discomfit the proud, making them humble.
18. Loud noises can easily discomfit the timid, shaken child.
19. Sharp wit is known to discomfit the unprepared opponent.
20. A stare that intense can discomfit anyone in its path.
21. Such honesty tends to discomfit those hiding the truth.
22. To discomfit foes, he unveils their deepest secrets.
23. Bright lights have the power to discomfit the intruder.
24. Her intelligence can discomfit many, instilling respect.



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