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unease, calm, tranquility, peace





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Dictionary definition of disquiet

A state of unease, restlessness, or anxiety characterized by a lack of calm or tranquility.
"The disquiet in the room was palpable as they awaited the test results."

Detailed meaning of disquiet

It describes a feeling of inner turmoil or disturbance, often resulting from worry, apprehension, or uncertainty about a situation or future events. Disquiet can manifest as a sense of discomposure or mental agitation, and it may be accompanied by physical symptoms like restlessness or an inability to relax. This term is commonly used to depict emotional or psychological turmoil and can apply to both individual experiences and broader societal concerns. In various contexts, such as personal relationships, politics, or social issues, disquiet signifies a disturbance in the normal state of affairs, highlighting the need for attention, resolution, or change to restore a sense of peace and equilibrium.

Example sentences of disquiet

1. The strange noises in the old house filled the visitors with disquiet.
2. There was a sense of disquiet among the employees when rumors of layoffs began to circulate.
3. The politician's unexpected resignation caused disquiet among his supporters.
4. The child's prolonged silence filled his mother with disquiet, as he was usually very talkative.
5. The recent string of burglaries in the neighborhood has created a sense of disquiet among the residents.
6. The company's involvement in the scandal brought disquiet to the shareholders.

History and etymology of disquiet

The noun 'disquiet' is formed by combining the prefix 'dis-' (meaning 'not' or 'lack of') and the word 'quiet.' 'Quiet' itself comes from the Latin word 'quietus,' meaning 'at rest' or 'peaceful.' Therefore, 'disquiet' etymologically conveys the idea of not being at rest or peaceful, reflecting a state of unease, restlessness, or anxiety characterized by a lack of calm or tranquility. The term emphasizes the absence of serenity and suggests a state of disturbance or agitation that disrupts one's inner peace.

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Further usage examples of disquiet

1. His mysterious behavior and evasive answers caused disquiet among his friends.
2. The disquiet in the classroom grew as the students awaited the announcement of their exam results.
3. The citizens expressed disquiet over the government's new policies, which they felt were too intrusive.
4. The eerie calm before the storm filled the sailors with disquiet as they secured the ship.
5. The increasing number of cases in the health crisis led to widespread disquiet within the community.
6. The disquiet among the troops was palpable when they learned of the change in their mission.
7. The fluctuations in the stock market have caused disquiet among investors.
8. The book's controversial themes and dark tone create a sense of disquiet in readers.
9. The team experienced disquiet when their manager suddenly fell ill before the important presentation.
10. A palpable sense of disquiet hung in the air as the storm approached.
11. His actions and behavior caused great disquiet among his colleagues.
12. The news of the impending layoffs brought widespread disquiet throughout the company.
13. An unsettling disquiet settled over the room as they waited for the test results.
14. The disquiet among the students was palpable as they prepared for the important exam.
15. They felt a growing sense of disquiet about the future as uncertainty loomed.
16. Disquiet gripped the entire community in the wake of the natural disaster.
17. There was a pervasive sense of disquiet in the city as protests continued.
18. His inflammatory words stirred up a deep disquiet among those in the room.
19. The uncertainty surrounding the economic downturn created a pervasive sense of disquiet.
20. The disquiet in the city was unsettling, with tensions running high.
21. Disquiet settled over the anxious crowd as they awaited news of the missing child.
22. The disquiet among the employees grew with each passing day of the strike.
23. The persistent disquiet in the neighborhood was impossible to ignore.
24. She sensed his inner disquiet and offered a sympathetic ear.
25. An aura of disquiet surrounded them as they navigated the unfamiliar terrain.
26. His ongoing disquiet clouded his thoughts and affected his decision-making.
27. The sudden outbreak of violence in the peaceful town disrupted their long-standing sense of peace and disquiet.
28. His abrupt disappearance without explanation caused disquiet among his friends and family.
29. Despite the reassurances from the government, the disquiet among the citizens persisted as they faced an uncertain future.



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