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Dictionary definition of fortify

To strengthen or reinforce something, often with the intention of making it more resistant to damage or attack.
"The soldiers worked to fortify the castle walls against invaders."

Detailed meaning of fortify

It can refer to physical structures, such as walls or buildings, as well as to abstract concepts, such as mental or emotional resilience. For example, a castle might be fortified with walls, towers, and gates to protect it from enemy forces, while a person might fortify themselves with exercise, healthy habits, and positive thinking to improve their overall wellbeing. The word "fortify" implies a deliberate and proactive effort to make something stronger, more durable, or more effective, and it can be used in a variety of contexts to describe different kinds of strengthening processes.

Example sentences of fortify

1. Engineers added extra reinforcements to fortify the structure.
2. Adequate sleep can fortify your mental and emotional well-being.
3. The alliance was formed to fortify regional security.
4. Strategic investments can fortify your financial portfolio.
5. Community support can fortify individuals in times of crisis.
6. They worked tirelessly to fortify their competitive edge.

History and etymology of fortify

The verb 'fortify' has a strong etymological connection to fortifications and defense. It originates from the Latin word 'fortificare,' which is a combination of 'fortis,' meaning 'strong,' and 'facere,' meaning 'to make' or 'to do.' In essence, 'fortificare' meant 'to make strong' or 'to strengthen.' This Latin term was often used in the context of fortifying walls, structures, or positions to make them more resistant to damage or attack. As it transitioned into Old French and eventually into English, 'fortify' retained its core meaning of strengthening or reinforcing something with the intention of making it more robust and impervious. The etymology of 'fortify' eloquently underscores the historical and ongoing human endeavor to safeguard against threats by fortifying our defenses, both literally and figuratively.

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Further usage examples of fortify

1. Strong leadership can fortify a company's culture.
2. Preparedness drills are conducted to fortify emergency response.
3. The new law aims to fortify consumer rights.
4. Investing in infrastructure can fortify economic growth.
5. Psychological counseling can fortify mental resilience.
6. Policies were enacted to fortify environmental protections.
7. Collaboration with allies can fortify international peace.
8. Proper maintenance helps fortify equipment longevity.
9. Reliable data can fortify decision-making processes.
10. Defensive measures are essential to fortify national security.
11. They sought to fortify public trust through transparency.
12. Supportive communities fortify individuals facing adversity.
13. Education is a powerful tool to fortify future prospects.
14. Innovations in technology can fortify business efficiency.
15. The city built levees to fortify against floods.
16. The homeowner installed security cameras to fortify their home against burglars.
17. The athletes drank protein shakes to fortify their bodies for competition.
18. The engineer used steel beams to fortify the bridge against earthquakes.
19. The doctor prescribed vitamins to fortify the patient's immune system.
20. The government implemented policies to fortify the economy against recessions.
21. The students studied diligently to fortify their knowledge before the exam.
22. The coach developed a game plan to fortify the team's defense.
23. The company invested in cybersecurity to fortify their online presence.
24. The gardener added fertilizer to fortify the soil for healthier plants.
25. The restaurant added spices to fortify the flavor of their dishes.


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