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How to pronounce gloat (audio)

Dictionary definition of gloat

To take excessive pleasure or delight in one's own success, achievement, or good fortune, often at the expense of others.
"He continued to gloat about his high test score, even though it upset his classmates."

Detailed meaning of gloat

When someone gloats, they revel in their own superiority, often by bragging or boasting about their accomplishments or by rubbing their success in the face of others who have not been as fortunate. Gloating can be seen as a form of gloating, as it often involves taking pleasure in the misfortune or failure of others. The behavior is generally considered to be arrogant, insensitive, and unsportsmanlike, and it can cause resentment, anger, or even hatred in those who are subjected to it. Gloating is often associated with feelings of envy, rivalry, or a desire for power or control over others.

Example sentences containing gloat

1. After winning the chess tournament, he couldn't help but gloat over his defeated opponents.
2. She used the opportunity to gloat about her new promotion to her former colleagues.
3. He tried to maintain a humble facade, but inside, he was ready to gloat.
4. My brother loves to gloat whenever he beats me in a video game.
5. It's unkind to gloat, even if you are the clear winner.
6. His tendency to gloat after winning had earned him more enemies than friends.

History and etymology of gloat

The verb 'gloat,' with its origins dating back to the early 17th century, has an intriguing etymology. It is believed to have evolved from the Middle English word 'gloten,' which meant to stare or gaze fixedly. This sense of intense staring gradually transformed into the modern meaning of taking excessive pleasure or delight in one's own success, often at the expense of others. The word 'gloat' captures the notion of gloating over one's achievements with a sense of smugness or self-satisfaction. Its linguistic journey reflects the evolution of human behavior, as we have long recognized the tendency to revel in personal triumphs, even if it means overlooking the feelings of others.

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Further usage examples of gloat

1. While others congratulated her on her success, she chose to gloat, alienating those around her.
2. When they won the football match, they didn't just celebrate; they chose to gloat.
3. She didn't want to gloat, but the satisfaction of proving her doubters wrong was overwhelming.
4. Despite the victory, he refused to gloat, knowing how it feels to be on the losing side.
5. It was hard not to gloat when her ex's new relationship ended faster than expected.
6. He found it distasteful to gloat about his achievements at the expense of others.
7. Every time they play monopoly, she can't resist the urge to gloat when she buys all the expensive properties.
8. It was a tight race, but once the winner was clear, there was no stopping him from gloating.
9. His gloating after each successful business deal was a turn-off to his partners.
10. He'd gloat whenever he remembered his winning move in the final round of the chess tournament.
11. There's a thin line between sharing success and gloating, one that she often crossed.
12. To gloat or not to gloat was his dilemma after he aced the tough examination.
13. She vowed never to gloat again after realizing how it had negatively affected her friendships.
14. The urge to gloat was overwhelming, but he swallowed his pride and extended his hand in sportsmanship instead.

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