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How to pronounce herald (audio)

Dictionary definition of herald

To announce, signal, or proclaim something, often with a sense of importance or anticipation.
"Early morning songbirds would herald the coming of a new day."

Detailed meaning of herald

When someone or something heralds an event or development, they serve as a messenger or a harbinger, drawing attention to what is about to happen. This term is frequently associated with heralds in medieval times who would announce the arrival of royalty or significant news. In a more contemporary sense, "herald" can refer to actions like introducing a new era, highlighting a major achievement, or foreshadowing a significant change. It implies a sense of importance and often carries a positive connotation, as it typically precedes something noteworthy, exciting, or transformative.

Example sentences of herald

1. The thunder in the distance seemed to herald an incoming storm.
2. Spring flowers often herald the arrival of warmer weather.
3. The sudden shift in the market could potentially herald a financial crisis.
4. His sudden fatigue may herald an underlying health issue.
5. The movie's success seemed to herald a new era in Hollywood.
6. Warm winds from the south often herald a change in the weather.

History and etymology of herald

The verb 'herald' has its etymological origins in Old English and Old French. It comes from the Old English word 'heraldian,' which means 'to proclaim' or 'to make known.' This Old English term was influenced by the Old French word 'heraud,' which referred to a royal messenger or official who made public announcements. The term 'herald' implies the act of announcing, signaling, or proclaiming something, often with a sense of importance or anticipation. Heralds played a crucial role in medieval times as messengers and announcers of significant news, events, or proclamations. Therefore, the etymology of 'herald' reflects its historical connection to the idea of making announcements and declarations, emphasizing its role in signaling or proclaiming events or information, as conveyed by its linguistic heritage.

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Further usage examples of herald

1. Dark clouds at the horizon began to herald an impending storm.
2. Fresh green leaves on the trees always herald the arrival of spring.
3. The first snowflakes that fall herald the start of winter.
4. Bright colors in the sky at dusk could herald a fair day tomorrow.
5. The echo of the bell would herald the start of the evening prayer.
6. His sudden laughter seemed to herald a shift in the mood.
7. The increase in sales may herald the recovery of the retail sector.
8. The entrance of the king would herald the start of the royal banquet.
9. The sudden silence seemed to herald something ominous.
10. Fresh green buds on trees would herald the end of winter.
11. The distant drum beats would herald the commencement of the ceremony.
12. The sight of a comet is believed to herald a significant event.
13. The return of the swallows seems to herald the coming of spring.
14. The ringing church bells heralded the arrival of the new year.
15. A vibrant sunrise can herald the beginning of a beautiful day.
16. The trumpets will herald the grand entrance of the royal procession.
17. The first snowflakes heralded the start of winter's icy grip.
18. The breaking news bulletin will herald a major development in the story.
19. The colorful blossoms heralded the arrival of spring in the park.
20. The distant thunder began to herald an approaching storm.
21. The historic treaty will herald a new era of peace and cooperation.
22. The enthusiastic applause will herald the start of the concert.
23. The chirping birds heralded the dawn of a fresh morning.
24. The ringing phone could herald an important call, so answer it promptly.



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