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Dictionary definition of humanism

A philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively.
"Humanism rejects the idea of divine intervention in human affairs."

Detailed meaning of humanism

It is a belief that human beings have the capacity to reason, create, and make ethical decisions, and that these abilities should be nurtured and celebrated. Humanism emphasizes the importance of individual freedom, rationality, and the pursuit of knowledge, and rejects dogma, superstition, and blind faith. In art, literature, and culture, humanism celebrates the beauty and complexity of the human experience, and encourages a deep appreciation for the achievements of humanity throughout history. Overall, humanism is a broad and multifaceted philosophy that has had a profound impact on many areas of human thought and culture.

Example sentences containing humanism

1. Humanism promotes human dignity and individual freedom.
2. Renaissance art often reflects the ideals of humanism.
3. Humanism celebrates human potential and creativity.
4. Many philosophers advocate for a secular humanism.
5. Humanism values reason and rationality in decision-making.
6. Humanism rejects supernatural explanations of existence.

History and etymology of humanism

The noun 'humanism' has its etymological roots in the Latin word 'humanitas,' which is derived from 'humanus,' meaning 'human.' In the Roman Republic, 'humanitas' encompassed a set of qualities, including kindness, culture, and education, that were considered essential to being a well-rounded and virtuous human being. During the Renaissance in Europe, the term 'humanism' was revived to describe a cultural and intellectual movement that emphasized the value, potential, and agency of human beings, both individually and collectively. Humanism celebrated the study of classical texts, arts, and sciences, promoting the idea that human reason and creativity could lead to progress and the improvement of society. The etymology of 'humanism' reflects its historical connection to the affirmation of human dignity, potential, and the pursuit of knowledge and virtue as fundamental aspects of human existence.

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Further usage examples of humanism

1. The Enlightenment era was marked by a surge in humanism.
2. Humanism encourages empathy and compassion.
3. Advocates of humanism seek to improve society's welfare.
4. Humanism places human needs at the center of ethics.
5. Humanism strives for a more equitable and just world.
6. Secular humanism embraces a non-religious worldview.
7. Renaissance humanism revived classical learning.
8. Humanism inspires a commitment to human rights.
9. The Humanism movement emphasizes education and knowledge.
10. Humanism celebrates the diversity of human cultures.
11. Humanism fosters a sense of responsibility for others.
12. Humanism values critical thinking and skepticism.
13. Secular humanism promotes ethical living without religion.
14. Humanism seeks to harmonize human values and ethics.
15. Renaissance humanism promoted the study of classical literature and philosophy.
16. Many philosophers of the Enlightenment were proponents of humanism.
17. Humanism emphasizes the importance of empathy and compassion.
18. The values of humanism have been influential in the development of modern democracy.
19. Many secular humanists see science as a way of understanding the world and solving its problems.
20. Humanism celebrates the diversity of human cultures and experiences.
21. The humanism of the Romantic era emphasized the power of the individual imagination.
22. Humanism encourages a deep respect for the dignity and worth of all human beings.
23. Some religious traditions have incorporated humanist values into their teachings.
24. Humanism has had a profound impact on education, particularly in the humanities.
25. Many activists for social justice have been inspired by humanist principles.

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