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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce impassive (audio)

Dictionary definition of impassive

Displaying a remarkable and often deliberate lack of emotion or expression, especially in situations that would typically elicit strong feelings or reactions.
"The impassive face of the poker player made it impossible to read his hand."

Detailed meaning of impassive

When someone is described as impassive, it suggests a stoic and composed demeanor, indicating their ability to maintain a calm and unemotional exterior, regardless of the circumstances. Such individuals often keep their emotions and feelings concealed, making it challenging to discern their inner thoughts or sentiments from their outward appearance or behavior. "Impassive" conveys a sense of self-control and emotional restraint, which can be advantageous in situations requiring objectivity, resilience, or when concealing one's true feelings is deemed necessary.

Example sentences containing impassive

1. The detective's impassive expression gave nothing away during the interrogation.
2. Despite the chaos around her, she remained impassive, maintaining her composure.
3. The judge listened with an impassive demeanor, carefully considering the evidence.
4. The poker player's impassive face made it difficult to discern their hand.
5. The guard stood at the entrance, his impassive gaze scanning everyone who passed.
6. Despite the shocking news, he remained impassive, hiding his emotions.

History and etymology of impassive

The adjective 'impassive' can be traced back to its Latin origins. It is derived from the Latin word 'impassivus,' which combines 'in-' (meaning 'not') and 'passivus' (meaning 'capable of feeling or suffering'). Therefore, 'impassive' etymologically signifies 'not capable of feeling' or 'lacking the capacity for emotion.' This word evolved to describe individuals who display a remarkable and often deliberate lack of emotion or expression, particularly in situations that would typically provoke strong feelings or reactions. The etymology of 'impassive' underscores the idea of a person's emotional composure and the deliberate suppression of outward emotions, highlighting their ability to remain calm and unaffected even in the face of emotionally charged circumstances.

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Further usage examples of impassive

1. The witness gave an impassive account of the events, devoid of any visible reaction.
2. The statue's impassive face seemed to hold centuries of secrets.
3. The teacher's impassive response to the disruptive student diffused the situation.
4. He faced criticism with an impassive attitude, refusing to engage in arguments.
5. The actress portrayed the character's emotional turmoil with an impassive facade.
6. The defendant remained impassive throughout the trial, displaying no signs of guilt or remorse.
7. The politician's impassive demeanor during the debate left some questioning their sincerity.
8. The soldier's training allowed them to maintain an impassive exterior even in intense situations.
9. Despite the heartbreaking news, she managed to keep an impassive expression in front of her children.
10. The therapist's impassive stance allowed the client to freely express their emotions.
11. The photographer captured an image of the crowd's impassive faces during the protest.
12. The employee's impassive response to criticism indicated their confidence in their work.
13. The surgeon's impassive focus during the operation reassured the patient.
14. The teenager tried to mask their emotions with an impassive demeanor, not wanting to show vulnerability.

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