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yearning, contentment, satisfaction, indifference





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Dictionary definition of longing

A deep and intense desire or yearning for something or someone that is absent or out of reach.
"He gazed at the stars with a longing for exploration and adventure."

Detailed meaning of longing

It is an emotion characterized by a strong sense of craving, longing, or pining for a particular experience, person, place, or even a past time. Longing often arises when there is a perceived sense of loss, separation, or unfulfilled longing. It can be associated with feelings of nostalgia, romantic yearning, or an intense longing for a distant place or a cherished memory. Longing can also be directed towards abstract concepts such as love, success, or a sense of belonging. It carries a sense of emotional intensity and a longing for fulfillment, often manifesting as a persistent and achingly felt desire. Longing is a complex and deeply human emotion, capable of evoking both melancholic sadness and a profound yearning for what is deeply desired but currently unattainable.

Example sentences of longing

1. He experienced a deep longing for his childhood home.
2. The photo album filled her with a sense of longing for the past.
3. Their eyes met across the crowded room, igniting a mutual longing.
4. The sound of the ocean stirred a longing for the beach within her.
5. The letter brought back memories and a longing for their lost friendship.
6. The melody of the song evoked a bittersweet longing in her heart.

History and etymology of longing

The noun 'longing' has a poignant etymology that evokes a sense of yearning. It can be traced back to the Old English word 'langung,' which was derived from 'lang,' meaning 'long' or 'extended,' and 'ung,' a suffix indicating a process or state. This etymology conveys the idea of a drawn-out, deep yearning or desire. Over time, 'longing' has come to represent a profound and often melancholic desire for something or someone that is distant or unattainable. The etymology of 'longing' reflects the enduring nature of these intense desires, as if they extend over a significant period, creating a sense of emotional depth and longing for that which is beyond one's immediate reach.

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Further usage examples of longing

1. He couldn't shake off the longing for a life filled with purpose.
2. The scent of freshly baked bread awakened a longing for comfort and home.
3. The distant sound of laughter filled her with a longing for connection.
4. The longing in his voice was evident as he spoke of his dreams.
5. As she watched the sunset, a sense of longing for tranquility washed over her.
6. His longing for her touch consumed his every waking moment.
7. The sunset filled her heart with a sense of longing for adventure.
8. In the quiet night, a longing for childhood memories overcame her.
9. The old love letters were a testament to their enduring longing.
10. The distant mountains stirred a profound longing for exploration.
11. The smell of fresh-baked bread awakened a deep longing in him.
12. Their separation intensified the longing they felt for each other.
13. A longing for simpler times tugged at her as she watched the city hustle.
14. He gazed at the stars with a profound longing for the cosmos.
15. The antique shop was filled with relics that evoked a sense of longing.
16. Her voice carried a haunting longing that touched everyone's hearts.
17. The diary chronicled her journey and her longing for true love.
18. The music swelled, evoking a powerful sense of longing in the audience.
19. The painting depicted a world of beauty and longing in equal measure.
20. The ocean's vastness sparked a longing for adventure within him.
21. Their eyes met, revealing a shared longing for reconciliation.
22. The aroma of her favorite dish brought back a deep sense of longing.
23. As the train departed, a wave of longing washed over him.
24. The ancient tree in the garden seemed to embody a longing for eternity.
25. His eyes held a profound longing, a silent plea for forgiveness.



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