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How to pronounce observation (audio)


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Dictionary definition of observation

The act of carefully watching, perceiving, and taking note of one's surroundings, events, objects, or people.
"The scientist made a meticulous observation of the specimen under the microscope."

Detailed meaning of observation

It involves using the senses, such as sight, hearing, and sometimes touch or smell, to gather information and gain a deeper understanding of the world. Observations can be made in various contexts, including scientific research, everyday life, and educational settings. By keenly observing, individuals can gather valuable data, identify patterns, detect changes, and draw meaningful conclusions. Observations play a crucial role in fields such as astronomy, psychology, ecology, and anthropology, where they serve as the foundation for analysis, experimentation, and further exploration. In summary, observation is an essential cognitive process that enables us to acquire knowledge, enhance our perception, and unravel the mysteries of the world around us.

Example sentences containing observation

1. The teacher encouraged her students to make detailed observations during their nature walk.
2. The detective's keen observation skills helped him solve the complex murder case.
3. The astronomer recorded her observations of the celestial bodies using advanced telescopes.
4. The researcher made an interesting observation about the behavior of the lab rats.
5. The artist found inspiration in the observation of everyday life and ordinary objects.
6. The doctor's observation of the patient's symptoms led to an accurate diagnosis.

History and etymology of observation

The noun 'observation' finds its etymological origins in the Latin word 'observatio,' which is derived from the verb 'observare.' 'Observare' is formed by combining 'ob,' meaning 'in the way of' or 'toward,' and 'servare,' meaning 'to keep' or 'to watch.' Therefore, the etymology of 'observation' conveys the idea of keeping a close watch or being attentive toward something. It signifies the act of carefully watching, perceiving, and taking note of one's surroundings, events, objects, or people. This term reflects the inherent connection between observation and the vigilant act of keeping watch, as rooted in its Latin origins, emphasizing the deliberate and thoughtful nature of the process of observing and noting details.

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Further usage examples of observation

1. The wildlife photographer patiently waited for hours to capture a unique animal observation.
2. The journalist's observation of the political rally provided valuable insights for the news article.
3. The child's innocent observation about the beauty of nature brought a smile to everyone's faces.
4. The historian's careful observation of historical documents revealed new insights into the past.
5. The police officer's observation of the suspect's behavior led to their arrest.
6. Scientific observation is crucial for understanding natural phenomena.
7. Police officers rely on keen observation skills to solve crimes.
8. The astronaut's mission included the observation of distant stars.
9. Detailed observation is essential in the field of wildlife research.
10. Careful observation revealed the subtle changes in the painting.
11. The surveillance camera recorded the suspicious activity.
12. The scientist made a groundbreaking observation about the virus.
13. The art class focused on still life observation.
14. The detective's observation led to the suspect's arrest.
15. Astronomy involves the observation of celestial bodies.
16. The ornithologist's binoculars aided in birdwatching.
17. Precise observation is the foundation of accurate data collection.
18. The patient's symptoms were documented through medical observation.
19. Meteorologists rely on weather observation to make forecasts.
20. Sherlock Holmes was renowned for his powers of observation.
21. The teacher encouraged active classroom observation.
22. The naturalist's field journal was filled with observations.
23. Astronomers use telescopes for celestial object observation.
24. Oceanographers conduct deep-sea observation missions.
25. Careful observation of the sky revealed the approaching storm.



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High School 16, TOEFL 4, Attention and Focus

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