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Dictionary definition of orbital
Relating to or associated with an orbit, which is the path an object takes around another object in space.
"The spacecraft is currently in a stable elliptical orbital trajectory around the Sun."
Detailed meaning of orbital
When used to describe celestial bodies or satellites, 'orbital' indicates their movement or position within a specific trajectory around a central body, such as a planet or a star. It can also refer to the area or region surrounding an object in motion, denoting the space within which the object revolves. 'Orbital' can be used to describe the characteristics or attributes of an object or system that is influenced by or dependent on its orbital path. In a broader context, 'orbital' can be used metaphorically to describe something that follows a circular or repetitive pattern, akin to the orbital motion seen in space.
Example sentences containing orbital
1. The satellite was placed in a geostationary orbital position, allowing it to maintain a fixed location above the Earth's surface.
2. The astronauts conducted experiments in the International Space Station's orbital laboratory.
3. The telescope captured stunning images of distant galaxies from its orbital vantage point.
4. The lunar module descended towards the moon's surface, preparing for a soft landing in the designated orbital area.
5. The astronauts performed a spacewalk to repair a malfunctioning component on the orbital vehicle.
6. Scientists detected a new exoplanet within the habitable zone of its parent star's orbital path.
History and etymology of orbital
The adjective 'orbital' has its etymological origins in the Latin word 'orbita,' which means 'track' or 'path.' 'Orbita' is derived from 'orbis,' meaning 'circle' or 'ring.' In Latin, it was used to describe the path or course taken by celestial bodies, particularly planets, as they moved around a central object. When 'orbital' transitioned into English, it retained this core meaning, referring to anything related to or associated with an orbit, which is the specific path an object takes around another object in space. In scientific contexts, 'orbital' commonly describes the regions where electrons move around the nucleus of an atom, reflecting its etymological roots in the concept of paths or tracks.
Further usage examples of orbital
1. The rocket booster successfully separated from the main vehicle and entered a planned orbital trajectory.
2. The space probe gathered valuable data about the composition of asteroids during its orbital flyby.
3. The space station provides a unique orbital research platform for conducting experiments in microgravity.
4. The astronauts experienced breathtaking views of the Earth's curvature during their orbital journey.
5. The orbital observatory tracked the movement of celestial bodies and detected distant supernovae.
6. The satellite dish was carefully positioned to ensure optimal reception of signals from orbital satellites.
7. The spacecraft's orbital insertion maneuver allowed it to enter a stable orbit around the planet.
8. The mission control center monitored the spacecraft's orbital path and adjusted its trajectory when necessary.
9. The satellite's orbital path allowed for constant communication.
10. Astronomers tracked the orbital motion of distant planets.
11. The spacecraft's orbital insertion was a critical moment.
12. The astronauts marveled at the orbital view of Earth.
13. The orbital velocity of the rocket ensured a successful launch.
14. The space station conducted experiments in its orbital laboratory.
15. Lunar missions often require precise orbital calculations.
16. A satellite's orbital decay can lead to reentry into the atmosphere.
17. He studied orbital mechanics to become an astronaut.
18. The telescope observed objects in deep space from an orbital vantage point.
19. Orbital debris posed a risk to spacecraft in low Earth orbit.
20. The space probe entered a stable orbital pattern around Mars.
21. An orbital rendezvous was scheduled for the two spacecraft.
22. The International Space Station serves as an orbital research platform.
23. Engineers calculated the satellite's orbital period with precision.
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Mystery and Mastery, Biological and Geological Sciences, Science and Technology
Synonyms for orbital
Quiz categories containing orbital
celestial, terrestrial, grounded, earthbound