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treachery, loyalty, fidelity, faithfulness




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Dictionary definition of perfidy

The act of deceit, treachery, or betrayal of trust, often involving a deliberate and willful breach of faith or loyalty.
"She was deeply hurt by her friend's perfidy in spreading rumors about her."

Detailed meaning of perfidy

When we use the term "perfidy," we emphasize the moral betrayal and dishonesty inherent in the actions of the person committing it. Perfidy can manifest in various forms, such as betraying a friend's confidence, breaking promises, or engaging in acts of espionage against one's own country. This term conveys a sense of deep moral wrongdoing and a breach of the bonds of trust and honor. Whether it's political perfidy, personal perfidy, or any form of treacherous behavior, this noun underscores the grave consequences and the erosion of trust that often result from such acts of betrayal.

Example sentences of perfidy

1. The employee's perfidy towards the company led to his immediate termination.
2. The spy's perfidy resulted in the exposure of classified information.
3. The athlete's perfidy towards his teammates caused a rift in the team's dynamic.
4. The businessman's perfidy in embezzling company funds led to his arrest and conviction.
5. The traitor's perfidy resulted in the loss of many lives during the war.
6. The student's perfidy in cheating on the exam resulted in her expulsion from school.

History and etymology of perfidy

The noun 'perfidy' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'perfidia,' which combines 'per,' meaning 'through' or 'thoroughly,' and 'fides,' meaning 'faith' or 'trust.' The term originally denoted a complete or thorough breach of faith or trust. In essence, 'perfidy' encapsulates the act of deceit, treachery, or betrayal that involves a deliberate and willful violation of a bond of faith or loyalty. The etymology of 'perfidy' reflects its historical connection to the concept of trust and the severity of actions that undermine that trust, making it a potent word for describing acts of betrayal and disloyalty.

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Further usage examples of perfidy

1. The ambassador's perfidy towards his own country's interests caused a diplomatic crisis.
2. The politician's perfidy in breaking campaign promises led to public outrage and protests.
3. The judge was appalled by the defendant's perfidy in lying under oath.
4. The historian's book exposed the perfidy of the government during the war.
5. The victim was heartbroken by the perfidy of her partner in cheating on her.
6. His perfidy shattered their unbreakable trust, leaving scars that would never heal.
7. The perfidy of the double agent endangered national security and cost lives.
8. She found it impossible to forgive his perfidy, which involved stealing her life's work.
9. The perfidy of the spy had devastating consequences for the covert mission.
10. His perfidy in embezzling company funds was a shocking betrayal of trust.
11. The perfidy of the political leader deeply shook the foundations of the nation.
12. Her perfidy in divulging classified information triggered widespread chaos.
13. The perfidy of the traitor posed a grave threat to the success of the operation.
14. His perfidy was exposed when the truth finally came to light.
15. The perfidy of the criminal mastermind left trust in ruins, irreparable.
16. Her perfidy in disclosing confidential matters stained her reputation permanently.
17. His perfidy in leaking sensitive data was met with universal condemnation.
18. The perfidy of the conspiracy led to a wave of arrests and convictions.
19. She never expected such perfidy from her closest confidant, leaving her heartbroken.
20. The perfidy of the business partner led him to financial ruin, a devastating blow.
21. His perfidy in spreading false rumors incited widespread panic and chaos.
22. The perfidy of the plot was exposed in a shocking and revelatory twist.
23. Her perfidy in spreading malicious lies about him was unjust and deeply hurtful.
24. The perfidy of rival gang members ignited a violent and deadly feud.
25. His perfidy was the final nail in the coffin of their crumbling relationship, irreparable and heartbreaking.



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