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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce psychosis (audio)

Dictionary definition of psychosis

A severe mental disorder characterized by a loss of contact with reality.
"He was diagnosed with psychosis after experiencing auditory hallucinations."

Detailed meaning of psychosis

It is a broad term that encompasses a range of conditions, such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and certain forms of bipolar disorder. Psychosis typically involves a distortion of thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and behavior. Individuals experiencing psychosis may have hallucinations, which are false perceptions of sensory experiences, or delusions, which are strongly held false beliefs that are not based in reality. They may exhibit disorganized thinking and speech patterns, impaired social functioning, and a decreased ability to discern what is real and what is not. Psychosis can significantly impact a person's daily functioning and can lead to difficulties in work, relationships, and self-care. It often requires medical intervention, including antipsychotic medications and therapy, to help manage symptoms and improve the individual's overall well-being.

Example sentences containing psychosis

1. Psychosis is a serious mental condition that requires professional treatment.
2. The individual's psychosis made it difficult for them to distinguish between reality and fantasy.
3. Psychosis can be accompanied by paranoid delusions and disorganized thinking.
4. The symptoms of psychosis can include hallucinations, delusions, and social withdrawal.
5. The psychiatrist prescribed antipsychotic medication to manage her psychosis.
6. The family sought support groups to better understand and cope with their loved one's psychosis.

History and etymology of psychosis

The term 'psychosis' derives its etymological origins from the combination of two Greek words: 'psykho,' meaning 'mind' or 'soul,' and 'osis,' which denotes a process or state. When fused together, 'psychosis' encapsulates a state of the mind that is marked by a profound disturbance in perception, thought processes, and overall mental functioning. It is typically associated with a loss of contact with reality and can manifest in various severe mental disorders. This etymology underscores the fundamental concept of an altered mental state within the term 'psychosis,' highlighting the departure from typical cognitive and perceptual experiences that characterizes this condition.

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Further usage examples of psychosis

1. Early intervention is crucial in managing psychosis and preventing further complications.
2. People with psychosis may experience disruptions in their sleep patterns and appetite.
3. The stigma surrounding psychosis can make it challenging for individuals to seek help.
4. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be beneficial in helping individuals with psychosis manage their symptoms.
5. Substance abuse can exacerbate the symptoms of psychosis and should be avoided.
6. Psychosis can significantly impact a person's ability to hold a job or maintain relationships.
7. Support from loved ones plays a vital role in the recovery process for those with psychosis.
8. Ongoing therapy and medication management are often necessary for individuals living with psychosis.
9. Psychosis can profoundly affect one's perception of reality.
10. Schizophrenia is a well-known disorder with psychotic symptoms.
11. Treating psychosis often requires a combination of therapies.
12. Medications can help manage the symptoms of psychosis.
13. Delusions and hallucinations are common in psychosis.
14. Early intervention can improve outcomes for psychosis patients.
15. Coping with a loved one's psychosis can be challenging.
16. Substance abuse can sometimes trigger episodes of psychosis.
17. Understanding the underlying causes of psychosis is crucial.
18. Psychosis may lead to hospitalization for some individuals.
19. Supportive therapy can help individuals with psychosis.
20. Family support is vital in the recovery from psychosis.
21. Psychosis can disrupt daily functioning and relationships.
22. Schizoaffective disorder combines mood disorders with psychosis.
23. Cognitive therapy can help individuals manage psychosis.
24. Hallucinogenic drugs can induce temporary psychosis.
25. Some forms of psychosis are linked to neurological conditions.
26. Early signs of psychosis should be taken seriously.
27. Psychoeducation can empower individuals with psychosis.
28. Psychosis can be a frightening and isolating experience.

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