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Dictionary definition of recipient
An individual or entity that receives or is the intended receiver of something, such as a gift, an award, a message, or any form of communication or transfer.
"She was thrilled to be the recipient of the prestigious award."
Detailed meaning of recipient
It represents the person or organization on the receiving end of an action, benefit, or gesture. The recipient is the designated target or beneficiary of the given item or information. It implies a passive role in the sense that the recipient is the one who accepts or obtains what is being offered or transmitted. This term can apply to various contexts, ranging from personal relationships to formal settings. For instance, a recipient can be a person receiving a scholarship, a charity organization receiving donations, a letter's addressee, or someone who receives a surprise package. The concept of the recipient emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and recognizing the role and impact of the individual or entity that is being bestowed or affected by a particular action or communication.
Example sentences containing recipient
1. The charity organization identified the needy families as the recipients of their donations.
2. The scholarship recipient expressed gratitude for the opportunity to pursue their education.
3. The letter had no return address, leaving the recipient puzzled.
4. The recipient of the surprise gift couldn't hide their excitement.
5. The company acknowledged the hard work of its employees by presenting them with certificates as recipients of the "Employee of the Month" award.
6. The email was mistakenly sent to the wrong recipient, causing confusion.
History and etymology of recipient
The noun 'recipient' finds its origins in the Latin word 'recipientem,' the present participle of the verb 'recipere.' This verb comprises two components: 're-' meaning 'back' or 'again,' and 'capere' meaning 'to take.' Therefore, 'recipient' etymologically signifies someone or something that is in the act of taking or receiving. In its contemporary usage, it refers to an individual or entity that is the intended receiver of something, whether it be a gift, an award, a message, or any form of communication or transfer. The term eloquently conveys the idea of being in a position to accept or be the target of such exchanges, reflecting its historical roots in the act of taking or receiving.
Further usage examples of recipient
1. The recipient of the heartfelt thank-you note was deeply moved by the kind words.
2. The delivery service confirmed that the package had been successfully delivered to the intended recipient.
3. The charity event aimed to raise funds for the well-being of its beneficiaries, the recipients of their support.
4. The scholarship program received numerous applications, making the selection process challenging for the recipients.
5. As a recipient of the grant, she was able to start her own business and pursue her entrepreneurial dreams.
6. The recipient of the scholarship was overjoyed with the news.
7. The charity event will honor a deserving recipient this year.
8. She is the proud recipient of the Employee of the Month award.
9. The email was sent to the wrong recipient by mistake.
10. The recipient of the love letter blushed upon reading it.
11. The Nobel Prize winner graciously acknowledged the honor as a recipient.
12. The package was delivered to the recipient's doorstep today.
13. Our organization chose her as the deserving recipient of the grant.
14. He was the recipient of a heartfelt thank-you note.
15. The email's recipient misunderstood the message's intent.
16. She will be the recipient of a surprise birthday party.
17. The recipient of the surprise gift was moved to tears.
18. The scholarship recipient gave a heartfelt speech.
19. The recipient of the anonymous donation was deeply touched.
20. The award ceremony celebrated the outstanding recipients.
21. The recipient of the charity's generosity was a struggling family.
22. The certificate was presented to the deserving recipient.
23. The recipient of the letter couldn't believe the news.
24. The message was addressed to the wrong recipient.
25. The recipient of the prestigious honor expressed gratitude.,,
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Synonyms for recipient
Quiz categories containing recipient
receiver, donor, giver, source