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Dictionary definition of sacrilege
An act of disrespect or violation of something that is considered holy or sacred.
"The use of the sacred symbol for commercial gain was considered sacrilege."
Detailed meaning of sacrilege
It is a deliberate and often willful desecration of religious objects, places, or beliefs, and is viewed as a grave offense in many cultures and religions. The term can also be used more broadly to refer to any act that is considered highly inappropriate or offensive, especially when it goes against deeply held beliefs or values. For example, some might consider the defacing of a national monument or symbol to be a sacrilege, while others might view the commercialization of a cultural tradition as sacrilegious. Overall, the word "sacrilege" conveys a sense of deep disrespect or irreverence, and is often used to describe actions that are seen as highly offensive or taboo.
Example sentences containing sacrilege
1. Desecrating a place of worship is a blatant sacrilege.
2. Stealing from a religious institution is an unforgivable sacrilege.
3. Defiling sacred symbols constitutes a grave sacrilege.
4. The sacrilege of burning holy texts sparked outrage.
5. Disrupting a sacred ritual is considered a sacrilege.
6. For many, sacrilege is an unforgivable sin.
History and etymology of sacrilege
The noun 'sacrilege' has its etymological origins in Latin, specifically from the word 'sacrilegium.' 'Sacrilegium' is a combination of 'sacer,' meaning 'sacred' or 'holy,' and 'legere,' meaning 'to gather' or 'to steal.' Therefore, 'sacrilegium' originally referred to the act of stealing or misappropriating sacred objects or offerings, often from temples or religious sanctuaries. Over time, the term evolved in English to encompass a broader sense of disrespect or violation of something that is considered holy or sacred. 'Sacrilege' signifies an affront to the sacred, emphasizing the desecration or profanation of religious or revered objects, places, or practices. The etymology of 'sacrilege' underscores its historical association with the violation of the sacred, highlighting the severity of such acts in various cultural and religious contexts.
Further usage examples of sacrilege
1. The act of sacrilege deeply offended the faithful.
2. Vandalizing religious art is a reprehensible sacrilege.
3. Disrespecting the dead is a profound sacrilege.
4. Sacrilege can lead to excommunication from a community.
5. The sacrilege shook the foundations of their faith.
6. Attacking religious leaders is seen as a sacrilege.
7. Disregarding cultural traditions can be viewed as sacrilege.
8. The community united against the act of sacrilege.
9. Disrupting a sacred ceremony is a blatant sacrilege.
10. The sacrilege led to calls for stricter penalties.
11. Committing sacrilege tarnishes one's reputation.
12. Acts of sacrilege are condemned by believers.
13. Profaning religious spaces is considered sacrilege.
14. The sacrilege reminded people of the importance of respect.
15. The vandalism of the church was seen as a sacrilege by many in the community.
16. The burning of the flag was considered a sacrilege by some citizens.
17. The theft of the sacred artifacts was a sacrilege to the indigenous people.
18. The use of religious symbols in advertising was seen as a sacrilege by some.
19. The destruction of the ancient ruins was a sacrilege to historians.
20. The disrespect of the national anthem was viewed as a sacrilege by many.
21. The unauthorized modification of the historical site was a sacrilege to preservationists.
22. The selling of religious relics was considered a sacrilege by many believers.
23. The alteration of the holy text was seen as a sacrilege by religious scholars.
24. The desecration of the cemetery was considered a sacrilege to the deceased and their families.
25. The repurposing of the temple as a nightclub was viewed as a sacrilege by traditionalists.
26. The defacing of the cultural icon was seen as a sacrilege by the locals.,,
Scorn and Censure, Divine and Mystical, Sacred and Profane
Synonyms for sacrilege
Quiz categories containing sacrilege
desecration, reverence, respect, veneration