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shadow, sunlight, brightness, glare


TOEFL 11, High School 5, Light and Visibility



How to pronounce shade (audio)


Dictionary definition of shade

An area or condition where direct sunlight is partially or completely blocked, resulting in a reduced intensity of light or a cooler temperature.
"The awning provided shade and protection from the rain for the outdoor seating area."

Detailed meaning of shade

Shade can be provided naturally by trees, buildings, or other structures that obstruct the path of sunlight, creating a shadowed area. It offers relief from the heat and brightness of the sun, creating a more comfortable and sheltered environment. Shade can also be artificially created using umbrellas, canopies, or other shading devices. The concept of shade extends beyond physical shelter, as it can also refer to a sense of protection, privacy, or secrecy. In this sense, shade conveys a figurative notion of hiding or obscuring information or emotions. Additionally, shade is often associated with the absence of color or the presence of darker tones, representing a variation of color or a darker area within an artwork or design. Overall, the noun "shade" encompasses the physical, metaphorical, and artistic aspects related to diminished sunlight, shelter, privacy, and variations in color.

Example sentences containing shade

1. We found a comfortable spot under the shade of a large tree.
2. She wore a wide-brimmed hat to protect her face from the harsh sunshade.
3. The little girl enjoyed playing in the cool shade on a hot summer day.
4. The artist used different shades of blue to create a calming effect in the painting.
5. We set up a picnic table under the shade of an umbrella at the beach.
6. The cat found a cozy spot in the shade to take a nap.

History and etymology of shade

The noun 'shade' has its etymological origins in the Old English word 'sceadu,' which meant 'shadow' or 'shelter.' This Old English term is believed to have Indo-European roots, connecting it to similar words in other languages. 'Shade' describes an area or condition where direct sunlight is partially or completely blocked, resulting in a reduction of light intensity and often a cooler temperature. Over time, 'shade' has maintained its association with protection from the sun's rays and has come to represent a place of relief from the heat and brightness of sunlight. The word embodies the idea of sheltering oneself from the sun's intense rays, highlighting the importance of finding respite from the sun in various cultures and climates.

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Further usage examples of shade

1. He put on his sunglasses to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight.
2. The lush garden had a variety of plants that thrived in both sun and shade.
3. The lampshade softened the light, creating a warm and inviting ambiance in the room.
4. The dog sought refuge in the shade to escape the scorching heat.
5. The building cast a long shadow, providing shade for the pedestrians on the sidewalk.
6. The tree provided welcome shade on a scorching summer day.
7. She relaxed in the cool shade of the beach umbrella.
8. The mountain offered refuge from the sun's intense shade.
9. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves in the dappled shade.
10. The park bench beckoned from the inviting shade.
11. He sought refuge from the heat under the leafy shade.
12. The old oak tree cast a sprawling, comforting shade.
13. In the shade, the temperature was noticeably cooler.
14. The parasol shielded her from the harsh midday shade.
15. Children played happily in the playground's shade.
16. The awning provided relief from the relentless shade.
17. The canyon's depths were cloaked in perpetual shade.
18. The awning offered protection from the harsh shade.
19. The garden boasted an array of colorful shade plants.
20. We picnicked beneath the sheltering oak's shade.
21. The city park was a haven of green and shade.
22. The veranda was the perfect spot to enjoy the shade.
23. Sunlight filtered through the leaves in dappled shade.
24. The hammock swung gently in the peaceful garden shade.
25. The forest floor was alive with creatures in the deep shade.

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